Right on DakotaT. You can put Montana into several of those categories you mentioned with North Dakota...big budget surplus...no sales tax...
Originally Posted by: MontanaBob
Why does you agreeing with that numb-nuts DakotaT, not surprise me Bob?
Perhaps, because Montana is as big a deadbeat state as North Dakota.
Some American states receive more in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes; others receive less.
Over twenty years these fiscal transfers can add up to a sizable sum.
From 1990 to 2009, the federal government spent $125.2 billion in Montana but collected less than $60.8
billion in taxes.From 1990 to 2009, the federal government spent $102.6 billion in North Dakota but collected less than
$53.9 billion in taxes.
Now that we have looked the leeches, let's take a look at a couple of states that actually keep the country afloat.
From 1990 to 2009, the federal government collected $1,016 billion in Minnesota but spent less than $503
billion in taxes.
From 1990 to 2009, the federal government collected $630.1 billion in Wisconsin but spent less than $543
billion in taxes.And while we are at it, let's take a looky at GDP, shall we...from 2009
Minnesota - $258.5 billion
Wisconsin - $239.6 billion
Montana- $35.0 billion
North Dakota- $31.6 billionFederal Taxes minus spending, 1990-2009, as a % of GDP
Minnesota - plus 199%
Wisconsin - plus 36%
Montana - minus 184%
North Dakota - minus 154%
While Montana and North Dakota folks are constantly screaming about government spending, when you āpeel the
onionā and look at what states get the most Federal money, those are two of the big ones who have their hands out.
While both you and DT brag about your great surpluses, you two are like the guy that wins the lottery and still collects food stamps.
Yep, not only do Montana and North Dakota contribute less in both GDP and Taxes, they are still some of the
biggest hogs at the trough....i.e mooches, free-loaders and deadbeats.
So, in closing boys, after all of these decades of supporting your sorry asses - what say you pony up and
pay back the rest of the country for your years and years of beggar like existence.
Don't make me send the squirrels back after you Bob.