The Christmas decorations are going up as I write and along with the tree and house lights, my MAJOR AWARD LEG LAMP is shining brightly in our living room picture window.
Last year my daughter and her husband went out after Christmas and got a full sized Leg Lamp (from The Christmas Story movie) and gave it to me yesterday at Thanksgiving dinner. Along with it my granddaughter had her roommate in Pullman WA make up a nice sign on oilcloth that states..."I Won A Major Award!" That sign is taped at the top of the window for the whole neighborhood to see.
Man, the older I get the trashier I love things. Next year I'm going to get an old Winnebago, like in Christmas Vacation, and park it in the driveway from Thanksgiving to New Years. Maybe even have some weird goop and crap leaking out of it.
Love the Holidays!!!!
Anyone for a Weenie Roast?