Sooner or later an issue is going to stop the mass public from putting their head down and taking it from those that continue to run this country through money... and it is going to start the restoration of the roots this country was founded upon.
Either that.. or history will repeat itself, and sooner or later it will lead to the fall of yet another nation..
Could this be the issue?
One would think the cost of healthcare would have done it, but alas the mass of public continue to play the role of the sheep grazing with it sight line in a very tight local proximity.
The internet is the last of the true freedoms we are allowed.. without the overall corporate America being able to fleece the common person. Currently it is only limited to the ISP's.. the rest of the corporate America wants their slice of that action.
Short of breathing air... everyone has there hand in our pockets for something.. heaven forbid that we have one last frontier that is relatively free of their grasp.
Really boggles my mind that we cannot get one political candidate to run that hasn't been corrupted by the process. Talk about a broken system.. it is to the point where corporate America is openly buying the law making process.
So again.. maybe this movement with reshape the way we pressure our elected officials and say enough is enough.
"I'll have a cup of tea and tell you of my dreaming
Dreaming is free"
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"