The shield nor the players are going to get any of my money {directly} for a bit.. it is the only way I can protest at the nonsense of the concept of a lockout.
No merchandise.. still haven't purchased a single thing post Superbowl when it was apparent that a lockout was likely.
No Sunday Ticket.. actually canned that last year.
No games.
Told my son no Madden this year.
If I wasn't such an addict.. I might even boycott a couple of games.. but honestly probably won't happen.
It is not that they negotiated.. it is not that there were not issues that needed to be addressed.. but this sport flaunts a 9 Billion dollar revenue stream and both sides talked about the model not working for them. Well how the hell do you think it works for us the fan?
<Probably the last time I can bitch about it for 10 years... so I am doing just that. />
A couple of weeks I will settle and return to targeting the clowns like Billy, Jerry and Al Davis lol.
They still are not getting my money this season.. jackasses.
"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"