Interesting comment there DT or NT or greenT or whatever your nom de guerre du jour is.
Considering your past rails against big government, that is most amusing indeed.
Anyone ever wonder what North Dakota’s biggest Industry Is?
Most would probably have guessed agriculture or perhaps energy (coal, oil, etc.).
But noooo... it turns out that North Dakota’s biggest industry is…government.
Yep,they represent 21% of North Dakota’s labor force. Basically, one in five North Dakotans works for the government.
Plus, they include that as part of the North Dakota's GDP.....un-freakin' believable.
What the hell does a place like North Freakin' Dakota need with so many government employees?
Classic North Dakotans mooching off the tax payers...
...and yet these so called hard working "public servants" want much more from the trough.
North Dakota Legislature Still Being Pressured to Increase Pay to State Workers Who Make More Than If They Were In the Private Sector Christmas presents from North Dakota.....I'm crushed.
Have a nice day Troy.....[roflmao]
Originally Posted by: vikesrule
Wade got a present, but he's nice.
Your little link is a piece of shit. The ND legislature has wasted $2M hiring the Hay Group consultants but are pissed because they don't return the results they seek. If you actually knew your head from your ass, you'd realize that the only employees at the state paid better than private sector are the janitors and clerks. All the professionals: budget analysts, accountants, auditors and attorneys make well below market value.
And our biggest industry by far is oil, agriculture, coal and electricity. Too bad we have to import most of the roughneckers.
You like your little tangent arguments to make some insignificant point and then think you've one upped me. I'll take our bottom line over Minnesota's every year. You can't even build that pathetic excuse of a football a decent stadium without raising taxes - and you judge North Dakota? I think maybe you guys have a few too many scumbag leeches sucking off the government teet, or else you could balance the books.