I've been doing a lot of testing and will be moving to a new host. I learned our server has
4,032 other websites hosted off of the same box.
GoDaddy has routinely told me there is no problem, even when I've posted proof (thanks Shawn and others) of the errors. They claim its my software, they are wrong. I installed two other CMS and experience the same instability and also timeouts. These were FRESH installs, no users other than myself, bare bone installs.
The instability, in my ignorant opinion lies with the host.
The goal ...
I've been experimenting with several different CMS and hacks for said CMS.
Phase One - Copy backup of PackersHome.com to new host.
Phase Two - Transfer load to new host for duration of 30 days in evaluation process.
Phase Three - Begin designing theme on new CMS and add features.
Phase One/Two will be repeated until a satisfactory host is found. Current host is paid through April, 2010.