Wish her a Happy Birthday..
"Packers_Finland" wrote:
Turkey Day (sorry poor people) and your daughter's birthday. That's quite a combo.
"Rockmolder" wrote:
Nonstop will get pissed at you for calling Turkey Day Turkey Day.
You're one lucky dude wpr.
"pack93z" wrote:
Boy do I know it.
My wife in the hospital, totally exhausted after 36 hours of labor wanted to rest. After spending a few hours with her and the baby, I went home and got some rest and cleaned up. Then went to my parent's home for a late dinner. Back to the hospital once again until they threw me out.
But I thought about it being Thanksgiving all day long. There were complications in the delivery which is why it took so long. Ended up being a C Section. I feel that if this birth had happened 100 years or so earlier, I would have lost them both. You bet I am thankful.