Idiotic. Give him some collloidal silver. Allicin C will kill antibiotic resistant staph too. I know a number of things that are better than those antibiotics.
"millertime" wrote:
Yeah, you obviously don't know much. Colloidal silver is a toxin, Allicin C is a garlic derivative. You might as well rub St. John's Wort on it. You give him that crap, the bacteremia turns to to septicemia, Finley goes into shock and dies. I pray to God, you aren't giving people this horrible medical advice. A fever of 105F in an adult high enough to cause possible brain damage. You need to go to the ER, not GNC for treatment.
This sounds like a nosocomial (aka hospital)-acquired MRSA. First line treatment is Vancomycin, an IV antibiotic for resistant-Gram positive bacteria. If detected early, he should be okay. some Vanco-resistant strains are out there, but it sounds like Finley is responding to this treatment regimen.
"nerdmann" wrote: