All right I know I'll be the biggest asshole in the world for this one, but why should the recipient of any type of land, property, or money not be taxed on it? Isn't receiving goods for nothing the same thing as say welfare to deadbeats? Why should being related to somebody change the fact that you are receiving something free of charge. There are plenty of ways to pass on your goods to your offspring, but foresight has to used. My grandma held on to all possessions with an iron fist so the nursing home got it all, and I really didn't care because she earned it all and used it for her care. I'm not counting on much from my parents, and whatever there is, I'll be willing to give Uncle Sam his share because I accept those laws as part of my citizenship.
I find the tax conundrum in this country fascinating. Taxes have to be assessed to pay for all of the services rendered by the government. I'm always willing to listen to any type of tax reform, but the ideas need to come from reality and not fantasy. I actually had a guy tell me one time that taxes should be abolished and the local churches can help people in need. I told him he had a lot more faith in human beings than I did.
Fire away.