There's a bit of talk about the Pack trading up in the 1st round.
Although it would be nice to go up and grab a stud LT I don't see it happening this year. Each team only gets (around) 7 picks a year. If you trade up too often you end up feeling it down the road when you don't have the young players coming through.
It's the same with trades. You don't trade away your top round picks every year otherwise you end up with nothing coming up through the ranks in years to come.
The CM3 trade was great but it meant we didn't have any 2nd or 3 round picks last year. Players taken there in recent seasons have developed into solid starters.
To trade up from #23 to the top 10 where the elite LTs are would take a similar bounty of picks.
Considering this year is a strong overall draft its a great year to pick up solid talent in those top three or four rounds where Ted Thompson has traditionally done well.
They are also good value for money picks compared to the top 10. With a rookie salary cap to come, this is not a year to trade up and saddle the club with another overblown rookie salary.
If we were one LT away from the SB then it may be different. But this team could use a 2nd round Safety, a 3rd round CB and a 4th round OLBer. It may cost two of those three to pick in the top 10.