This thread is amazing. I love it when people share on this level. I have a similar story. I was 276 pounds, 4'10 my freshman year of highschool, didn't participate in PE because I wouldn't wear the uniform they had for me, not because I was a trouble maker as people thought. Every moment was like torture at school and my mind was messed up for a long time because of it, maybe it still is. I used to feel like everyone was staring at me all the time, was hard to breathe thinking like that even though it was all in my head.
I started to exercise late in Sophmore year. Grew to 5'10 and dropped about 25 pounds. Nothing great but I felt a little more comfortable in my own skin. I could play basketball and this changed my life. Started lifting weights and was as strong as almost anyone in the school of about 2000 kids.
After high school, I got heavy into basketball and became a really good athlete and lifted all the time. I was just under 6 feet tall, 195 pounds of solid muscle at one point. Close to dunking a basketball but not quite. As fast as anyone, as strong as anyone and more stamina than anyone I played with.
Then 🙂 I went to school. Everything was down hill from there. Not enough time to exercise, girlfriend was dragging me down. Went from exercising 5 days a week, 3 hours per day to playing basketball once every 2 weeks and hitting the gym every month or two. It took me a few years of that to get back up to about 260. Stopped exercising altogether, got into some other destructive habbits, (no drugs or drinking) and ballooned back up to about 280 within another couple of years. Quickly went from there to where I sit today, anywhere from 300 - 330 lbs. I still have a basketball i bought in January of 2005 and have used it less than 5 times.
The worst part isn't being this weight. I'm not so uncomfortable with it as I was when I was younger. The worst part is all of the opportunities I miss in life because of it. Went to disney world a month ago and almost died when I couldn't fit on one of the rides. Talk about a walk of shame. Also, another one of the worst parts is that I know exactly what i have to do. I know how to eat right. I have lost this kind of weight before and I know what I need to do and it's REALLY EASY and doesn't take that long at all. But I just don't for whatever reason.
Also, been really depressed for a while because of my job and financial situation. I don't want to get into a big sob story but lets just say the job i have now i wouldn't have taken it when I was 18 years old, no fucking way and while costs are much higher than they were back then, i make about 40% less than I did right out of high school. Mind you, now, I have a B.A. and lots of experience in my field. It's just so crazy how things work out sometimes. I started working out again a few weeks ago. Maybe a little to do with my disney experience. Like i said, i know what i need to do to lose the weight but it's just tough. Also, any fat person who says their happy or content is full of shit. I have no health problems but they're right around the corner. I can feel it and it sucks.
dfoster, I respect what you did at your former employer so much it's hard to express it in words. I believe in doing the right thing all the time regardless of what personal harm it may cause me(and has caused me many times) and I believe you're the same way. Much respect.
Wade, djcubez and anyone else, if theres anything I can ever do for you, let me know, send me a pm and we can talk, give eachother some ideas or tips maybe. If you want to lose a lot of weight, ask someone who's done it before, not someone who's been 150 pounds their whole life 🙂 I will get past this soon and I know sometimes it would be great if people could just talk to someone about this stuff some times, it would help them out. I don't care if we ever argued about Packer stuff before. Who cares, much more important things. Hit me up any time.
A wise man once said
You are weak, pathetic and immature..............I would have d