Well, it's that time where there are only 3 games left and the chances of playoffs are running slim! Lets see what the outlook is...
Well wait. Before that lets go though how the play offs are seated.
It's confusing but simple. The winner of each division will take the 1-4 slots. The higher your record the higher ranking you get. The 4-8 slots will be taken by not the 2nd in each of the divisions but those who have the 4 best records that have not won the division. This mean there can be up to 5 teams from one division in the playoffs instead of just 2. Here is a chart to help things:
So now, what are the chances your team can get into the number one slot or just in the playoffs? Let's find out!
(TPA means Total Points Acquired (Throughout The Season))
Achieved 1st Seed
*Amsterdam Admirals:
Can WIN the Division and the 2nd Seed IF
🇱🇮A WIN AND Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood having LESS TPA[/li]
🇱🇮A Team porkyplayas LOSS AND a Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood LOSS[/li]
🇱🇮A TIE AND a Team porkyplayas TIE AND a Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood TIE[/li]
**Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood
Can WIN the 2nd Seed IF:
🇱🇮A WIN AND Amsterdam Admirals having less TPA AND Team porkyplayas LOSS/TIE[/li]
🇱🇮A WIN AND Amsterdam LOSS/TIE AND Team porkyplayas LOSS/TIE[/li]
**Tony's Packos
Has Accquired 4th Seed
*Team porkyplayas
Can Acquire 2nd Seed IF:
🇱🇮A WIN AND Amsterdam Admirals LOSS/TIE[/li]
🇱🇮A TIE AND Amsterdam Admirals LOSS[/li]
Rest to come later.
**Won Division*Have Playoff Birth