+1 to a lot of posters in this thread, great detail.
I played a very little bit of football in my life all at offensive line and I must say coming from a 3-point stance is entirely different from standing up. It's all about gravity.
What a 3 point stance does is give you built up momentum to spring from. It's like the looney toons animal trap--a box leaning on a stick with a string attached. Once the string is pulled, the stick is removed from underneath the box leaving the box with nothing to lean on. The box falls immediately to the ground. The 3 points stance allows you to use your arm (the stick) to hold up your weight and body (the box) against gravity. Once the ball is snapped you remove your arm (like pulling the string) and you fall toward the ground. But instead of falling you use that momentum to propel yourself forward into your opponent. At least that's the best way I can explain it haha.
I also think it's too early to judge whether Kampman has been a success in his new position. He hasn't seemed to blow many plays in pass coverage, although I admit I may be wrong, and we haven't generated a pass rush in most of our games this season. If we start getting more pressure and sacks as a team I think Kampman's production will perceptively have changed because of the change in statistics.