Ok yesterday was the first day of archery season in PA and i got a few shots yesterday and thought i would share them lol.
My buddy was made cuz i told him i got a couple shots, then told him it was with my digital camera i always carry with me lol. Man i love sitting in the woods
First pic is a 4 point buck about 10 yards away. 2nd pic is a yearling doe right under my stand.
MY buddy called my cell phone when it was there and i forgot to turn it on vibrate so all of a sudden i hear Let me be myself lol. i quick pull it out and shut off the sound. The deer didnt even look up and stayed around for about 30 minutes. I had to laugh about it.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)