I can put up with a lot. I do put up with a lot. I got a whack-bird president, school children being indoctrinated to idolize him, a border point just closed due to a firefight, while at the same time the administration is slashing the budget and protection of that very same border. Iran getting ready to declare to the world that they are a nuclear power, NKorea...don't even get me going on that one, approximately 6 cases of ominous situations in the terrorism arena domestically, a line that cannot block, another whack-bird about to become mayor of where I live, displacing the 3rd best mayor in the country by a recent national vote, 9.99 a lb steaks, weeds that circumnavigate landscape cloth, no short game to speak of, a computer with the cpu power of a disabled gnat, Jehovah's witnesses bangin' on my ft door on an hourly basis, whipper-snappers tellin' me what's what, global warming or cooling dependent upon the agenda of the person doing the talking, a bad book on my bedstead that I am nevertheless now committed to, a dog with a stubborn streak in him, coupled with the weight and power to back it up, and other things that I will not mention, because I don't want to sound like a complainer.
Do not
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