All is not lost. I just found a writer who picked the Cowboys: Adam Duerson of Sports Illustrated:
His pick is Cowboys 45 Packers 30. He does make a statement that I found to be pretty weird, though:
"Statistically, Rodgers has outperformed Favre in '08. Dominated, really, if you've watched all four of their combined games. I'll let the stats speak: In two games, Rodgers has four scores, zero interceptions, a 117.8 passer rating and he's only been sacked once. Compare that against Favre's three, one, 104.1 and five. Close enough, I guess, but is there honestly a Packers fan out there who would switch back?"
ANSWER: Um, yes. There are still quite a lot of them, actually. And Rodgers has not "dominated" Favre statistically. I'm a big Rodgers fan, but why exaggerate?
"Greg C." wrote: