just off the top of my head, w/o looking at any thing but what u posted.
if by chance, this is a secure web page beginning in https, then every link, every image must be secures as well.
you can not have a page that begins https and have a link to http on that page, it will throw an error.
i got a 404 error. it can't find the page. is this page in a different folder?
you may have to add a ../ to your link to move up a folder just like vb.net.
also if you have the word "AND" "OR" A SINGLE QUOTE can throw an error. Delete single quotes like Zero's picks. make sure the word and or are enclosed in quotes.
So if you meet me Have some courtesy, Have some sympathy, and some taste
Use all your well-learned politesse, Or I'll lay your soul to waste