This was on the long snapper. He saw Clay Matthews running off the field and tried to snap it to the RB real quick to try and get a penalty for 12 men on the field.
I remember them showing the replay of the LS pointing to the RB from between his legs, so that he would know. Apparently, the RB didn't get that memo. HA.
But I also thank the person in charge of this 🙂 .
"go.pack.go." wrote:
I wouldn't solely blame the long snapper. During that replay, they also showed the upback pointing to the sideline.
The long snapper saw Matthews heading off, but you can't expect him to be able to watch the guy all the ways to the sideline. I believe it is the up backs responsibility to watch and stop the quick snap if he sees the guy clear the field.
What I like to thank Lovie for, is Challenging a play. Losing the challenge, and giving up better field position. That was priceless. Lot better odds for Grant from the 1 than the 3.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!