I am copying and pasting a post I read this morning.
An analysis of the Viking situation written by a Viking player:
We got banged like a cheap whore and we should have never even put ourselves in the prone position. But its our own fault, instead of trading for Cutler or finding a long term solution at QB, Shit for Brains (aka, the head coach) drafted a Michael Vick wannabe who has the same accuracy issues as Vick without the same scrambling skills and then traded for a career backup as almost an afterthought. So, despite having the best running back in the NFL and a top 10 defense, we are doomed to failure because we are lacking a serviceable, not even average QB in a QB driven league. Now I have to go bust my ass in two a day drills for the privilege of watching the playoffs from my own couch, instead to playing in them in our stadium which we cannot even sell out.
"DakotaT" wrote: