Sad that they couldn't get more than 3 years. Although, the world is going to end in 2012 so I suppose Ted Thompson is just playing the percentages.
"dhazer" wrote:
+1 to the Mayan poster.
"MassPackersFan" wrote:
Did they say who decided on the years? I'm thinking it was Jennings because he was pretty much locked up to the Packers for the next 3 years anyway. I was telling my neighbor about it and he says it makes sense. If there is no CBA in place then Jennings wouldn't become a free agent till 2012 anyways so maybe Jennings decided i'm screwed so give me the cash now and then when i can actually test free agency he will be able to. Just an idea i thought about.
But God was signed in Green Bay i guess, even though the neighbor laughed his ass off at the money, paying him qb money for a above average but not star type wr. Those were his exact words.
"Yared-Yam" wrote: