Guns are not the problem, but the ease of obtaining one is a problem. However, you'll note that two of the three I listed the weapons were obtained legally. So, maybe stricter gun purchasing laws could help reduce the firearm violence.
Australia banned guns, period. They just banned them. I'm not sure if it's every gun, but a good majority are banned. You speak of the black market. You have to realize that the black market will be marginalized and once supply and demand change, you will NOT be able to buy a gun for $50. That $50 gun today will be $5,000 after guns are abolished. This has been proven in Australia and by basic economics.
I am not saying abolishing every gun that holds more than 12 rounds is the only answer, or the only solution, or even THE answer/solution. Because if some idiot wants to harm people, they will find a way, even if it's by a knife like the Osaka massacre that left 8 children dead and over a dozen injured.
Do I think civilians should have such easy access to weapons that can shoot 25+ rounds in a clip? No, not really. If you're that bad at hunting animals, you should pick up a different hobby. I've heard the argument about the Revolutionary War so many times and it's so obvious how many people failed history class. We wouldn't be fighting muskets vs muskets. We would be fighting semi-automatic weapons vs drones, tanks, planes and a ton of other wicked nasty stuff.
I guess to sum up this rambling here. I don't think less guns is the solution. I know more guns is NOT the solution. I just think we have to do more to be better people. And for god sake, can we stop plastering these tragedies all over the place giving these cowards 15 minutes of "fame"?
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
Ok as a person that has many firearms and carries all the time unless I am at work and I still have one in my truck if the shit hits the fan. My wife still laughs at me when we goto a restaurant to eat because I always have to be facing the entry so I can see who is coming in. I went thru all the training to carry and have been taught if you don't plan to eliminate the threat don't carry a gun. As in eliminating the threat that is shoot to kill not wound.
Now lets start picking apart your theories a little, Guns are not the problem, but the ease of obtaining one is a problem. However, you'll note that two of the three I listed the weapons were obtained legally. So, maybe stricter gun purchasing laws could help reduce the firearm violence.
I take it you have never tried to buy a gun, you have to go thru a background check thru your state police. Also until a few years ago you couldn't get a pistol the same day, so I have no idea where you talk about the ease of getting a gun, thats pure MSM talk. Now if you want to do it illegally thats very easy to get a gun, when I lived in Kenosha I would see my neighbor pull up and if I wanted any type of gun he would have it in his trunk. That you will never stop as the government needs that to keep the divide.
Australia banned guns, period. They just banned them. I'm not sure if it's every gun, but a good majority are banned. You speak of the black market. You have to realize that the black market will be marginalized and once supply and demand change, you will NOT be able to buy a gun for $50. That $50 gun today will be $5,000 after guns are abolished. This has been proven in Australia and by basic economics.
That is correct they banned guns and now they are one of the world leaders in murders with knives, also you didn't see how during the pandemic they put people in concentration camps if they didn't get the jab, See that is what our 2nd amendment is all about, it is not to protect yourself it is to protect the people from the government. You have no clue most guns are put back on the streets that get confiscated and also they come in from the cartels and gangs from all over the world. There will never be a shortage of guns, and also a gun is not that hard to make.
Do I think civilians should have such easy access to weapons that can shoot 25+ rounds in a clip? No, not really. If you're that bad at hunting animals, you should pick up a different hobby. I've heard the argument about the Revolutionary War so many times and it's so obvious how many people failed history class. We wouldn't be fighting muskets vs muskets. We would be fighting semi-automatic weapons vs drones, tanks, planes, and a ton of other wicked nasty stuff. But a bunch of people with rifles that will fire 1 bullet every time you pull the trigger can still defeat an army with the other things. I always tell everyone give me one rife with 1 bullet and I will survive a war, it's called kill and take their weapons.
Now the easiest fix is just the opposite of what the Dems are saying, let's try like cities in Georgia and other states are doing and that is to make a law stating every house owner must have a firearm, and for the schools to get rid of the gun-free zones and let the teachers carry and it will stop a lot of these types of shootings. How many mass shootings do you see at a gun show or at a shooting range? The safest states to live in have the most lenient gun laws and those are facts, just like the cities with the most gun murders have the strictest gun laws. Everyone has the right to their opinion but it's better when they also know the facts. BTW look up Nelson Georgia and kenneshaw Georgia those cites you have to have a gun in your house.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)