• KRK
  • Veteran Member
4 years ago
Oops, I guess they were wrong all along. How many lives could have been saved. Fauci is a dildo.

Per the AMA:

American Medical Association Rescinds Previous Statement Against Prescription of Hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 Patients
CHICAGO, IL – The American Medical Association (AMA), in a surprising move, has officially rescinded a previous statement against the use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, giving physicians the okay to return to utilizing the medication at their discretion.

Previously, the AMA had issued a statement in March that was highly critical of HCQ in regards to its use as a proposed treatment by some physicians in the early stages of COVID-19. In addition to discouraging doctors from ordering the medication in bulk for “off-label” use – HCQ is typically used to treat diseases such as malaria – they also claimed that there was no proof that it was effective in treating COVID, and that its use could be harmful in some instances.

However, on page 18 of a recent AMA memo, issued on October 30, (resolution 509, page 3) the organization officially reversed their stance on HCQ, stating that its potential for good currently may supersede the threat of any potential harmful side effects.

So, there we have it. HZQ could not be approved before the election, because President Trump had recommended it. Meanwhile, with an 8o +% reduced risk of having to be admitted to the hospital if administered with Azitromycine and Zinc as soon as testing positive or symptoms occurred, many (70000+) lives could have been saved.

These A-holes should be sued for medical malpractice.
In Luce tua Videmus Lucem KRK
  • wpr
  • Preferred Member
4 years ago

Oops, I guess they were wrong all along. How many lives could have been saved. Fauci is a dildo.

Per the AMA:
These A-holes should be sued for medical malpractice.

Originally Posted by: KRK 

They released this announcement after the election. I am shocked I tell you . Shocked.
  • KRK
  • Veteran Member
4 years ago
Regarding that Pfizer Vaccine

Don't ask any questions!!! Just line up and take the damn vaccine...DO IT!!!! The state orders you!!!!!

Even though if you are under 40, you have only a 3/1000% chance of dying from this...DO AS WE SAY AND TAKE THE DAMN VACCINE!!


This in addition to other reports including the following:

In Luce tua Videmus Lucem KRK
4 years ago

Regarding that Pfizer Vaccine

Don't ask any questions!!! Just line up and take the damn vaccine...DO IT!!!! The state orders you!!!!!

Even though if you are under 40, you have only a 3/1000% chance of dying from this...DO AS WE SAY AND TAKE THE DAMN VACCINE!!


This in addition to other reports including the following:

Originally Posted by: KRK 

The FDA usually takes YEARS to OK any “new” drug or vaccine.
So how are we to trust something that has been pushed through so quickly? Who knows what kinds of side effects this will have on people months or even years from now?
Will the supposed “cure” end up being more deadly then the disease?
They have NO idea!
But we are supposed to put our lives in their hands.
  • KRK
  • Veteran Member
4 years ago
WHO (Finally) Admits PCR Tests Create False Positives


Authored by Kit Knightly via,

Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too late…so why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical...

The World Health Organization released a guidance memo on December 14th, warning that high cycle thresholds on PCR tests will result in false positives.

While this information is accurate, it has also been available for months, so we must ask: why are they reporting it now? Is it to make it appear the vaccine works?

The “gold standard” Sars-Cov-2 tests are based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR works by taking nucleotides – tiny fragments of DNA or RNA – and replicating them until they become something large enough to identify. The replication is done in cycles, with each cycle doubling the amount of genetic material. The number of cycles it takes to produce something identifiable is known as the “cycle threshold” or “CT value”. The higher the CT value, the less likely you are to be detecting anything significant.

This new WHO memo states that using a high CT value to test for the presence of Sars-Cov-2 will result in false-positive results.

To quote their own words [our emphasis]:

Users of RT-PCR reagents should read the IFU carefully to determine if manual adjustment of the PCR positivity threshold is necessary to account for any background noise which may lead to a specimen with a high cycle threshold (Ct) value result being interpreted as a positive result.

They go on to explain [again, our emphasis]:

The design principle of RT-PCR means that for patients with high levels of circulating virus (viral load), relatively few cycles will be needed to detect virus and so the Ct value will be low. Conversely, when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.

Of course, none of this is news to anyone who has been paying attention. That PCR tests were easily manipulated and potentially highly inaccurate has been one of the oft-repeated battle cries of those of us opposing the “pandemic” narrative, and the policies it’s being used to sell.

Many articles have been written about it, by many experts in the field, medical journalists and other researchers. It’s been commonly available knowledge, for months now, that any test using a CT value over 35 is potentially meaningless.

Dr Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR process, was clear that it wasn’t meant as a diagnostic tool, saying:

with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.”

And, commenting on cycle thresholds, once said:

If you have to go more than 40 cycles to amplify a single-copy gene, there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.”

The MIQE guidelines for PCR use state:

Cq values higher than 40 are suspect because of the implied low efficiency and generally should not be reported,”

This has all been public knowledge since the beginning of the lockdown. The Australian government’s own website admitted the tests were flawed, and a court in Portugal ruled they were not fit for purpose.

Even Dr Anthony Fauci has publicly admitted that a cycle threshold over 35 is going to be detecting “dead nucleotides”, not a living virus.

Despite all this, it is known that many labs around the world have been using PCR tests with CT values over 35, even into the low 40s.

So why has the WHO finally decided to say this is wrong? What reason could they have for finally choosing to recognise this simple reality?

The answer to that is potentially shockingly cynical: We have a vaccine now. We don’t need false positives anymore.

Notionally, the system has produced its miracle cure.

So, after everyone has been vaccinated, all the PCR tests being done will be done “under the new WHO guidelines”, and running only 25-30 cycles instead of 35+.

Lo and behold, the number of “positive cases” will plummet, and we’ll have confirmation that our miracle vaccine works.

After months of flooding the data pool with false positives, miscounting deaths “by accident”, adding “Covid19 related death” to every other death certificate…they can stop. The create-a-pandemic machine can be turned down to zero again.

…as long as we all do as we’re told. Any signs of dissent – masses of people refusing the vaccine, for example – and the CT value can start to climb again, and they bring back their magical disease.
In Luce tua Videmus Lucem KRK
4 years ago

Fuck the media! As Dana White said, their product is negativity.

4 years ago
It's only a snippet, but I thought this was kinda interesting.

"It’s not yet known if either prevents asymptomatic infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Nor is it known if vaccinated people can transmit the virus if they do become infected but don’t show symptoms." 

  • KRK
  • Veteran Member
4 years ago
Two New Studies in Major Journals Cast Doubt on the Role of 'Asymptomatic Transmission' of the Wuhan Virus

By streiff | Dec 29, 2020 4:30 PM ET 

So far, the official response to the pandemic has been one unbroken series of lies and of moving the goalposts. If those in authority had deliberately set out to destroy their own credibility, it is difficult to see what they would have done differently. On the issue of facemasks, we were first told that wearing them was silly and counterproductive. 

Then the same guy turns around and lies to us about why he said that (he says he didn’t want mere peasants grabbing all the face masks and leave major hospital chains, who we know have no purchasing power at all, without protective gear for staff). Despite the mountain of evidence that shows masks have zero correlation or causative effect to infections, we are still in the mode of being forced to wear what is essentially a badge testifying to our personal virtue.

It is becoming abundantly clear that lockdowns don’t work.

The next big lie that has been spread is on the effect of the “asymptomatic spread” of the virus.

Here is Dr. Fauci, in January, proclaiming that asymptomatic transmission is not a significant factor in spreading any respiratory disease. He’s pretty emphatic.

Here he is in April, claiming that about 50% of cases are spread asymptomatically.


It isn’t just Fauci; watch this epic mashup of experts laughing at the asymptomatic spread of respiratory disease. 

The science didn’t change. What changed is pretty obvious. If you can’t really spread the disease before you start to manifest symptoms, then the whole face mask fetish is revealed to be just that; social distancing becomes a huge question mark, and there is literally no reason to not get on with your life.

Not this myth seems on the verge of falling in a huge way.

The second article mentioned, the one that appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found no significant evidence of asymptomatic transmission. The first study could be even more significant.

A study of almost 10 million people in Wuhan, China, found that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 did not occur at all, thus undermining the need for lockdowns, which are built on the premise of the virus being unwittingly spread by infectious, asymptomatic people.

Published in November in the scientific journal Nature Communications, the paper was compiled by 19 scientists, mainly from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, but also from scientific institutions across China as well as in the U.K. and Australia. It focused on the residents of Wuhan, ground zero for COVID-19, where 9,899,828 people took part in a screening program between May 14 and June 1, which provided clear results as to the possibility of any asymptomatic transmission of the virus.

It stated that out of the nearly 10 million people in the study, “300 asymptomatic cases” were found. Contact tracing was then carried out and of those 300, no cases of COVID-19 were detected in any of them. “A total of 1,174 close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases were traced, and they all tested negative for the COVID-19.”

Both the asymptomatic patients and their contacts were placed in isolation for two weeks, and after the fortnight, the results remained the same. “None of detected positive cases or their close contacts became symptomatic or newly confirmed with COVID-19 during the isolation period.”

Further evidence showed that “virus cultures” in the positive and repositive asymptomatic cases were all negative, “indicating no ‘viable virus’ in positive cases detected in this study.”

These are large studies. They are published in top-tier medical/scientific journals. They confirm what had been an unchallenged truth in the field of respiratory medicine prior to April 2020.

Put together, we have a sorry picture of how we have been lied to and deceived by those entrusted to protect us. Businesses have been shuttered. Families ruined. People isolated and resorted to suicide. The elderly being forced to spend their last hours alone, surrounded by masked strangers rather than family members. And for what? The aggrandizement of power? A reordering of society? Cash? I don’t know, but at some point, someone should be curious enough to find out the answers to those questions.
In Luce tua Videmus Lucem KRK
Fan Shout
buckeyepackfan (6h) : Sorry 13 mil guaranteed.
buckeyepackfan (6h) : Aaron Jones resigns with The Vikings. 2yr 20mil, 12mil guaranteed.
Zero2Cool (6h) : Adams preffered west coast.
buckeyepackfan (6h) : DeShaun Watson wants a new deal! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
buckeyepackfan (7h) : Josh Allen extension includes 250mil in GUARANTEED money!
buckeyepackfan (7h) : Metcalf traded to The Steelers. Every year I forget this is Misinformation time. Have to quit listening to "The talking heads" 😀
dhazer (8h) : or do we tell them we take metcalf you take alexander lol
dhazer (8h) : I am curious about if we waste money on Metcalf he isn't worth $30 million a year
dhazer (8h) : Adams is going to a good team and gets to play indoors majority of the time can't blame him and isn't he from Fresno?
Zero2Cool (8h) : Rams land Adams of Davante fame.
Martha Careful (9h) : it's funny how guys who are so desperate to play for championships, at least so they say, just take the money.
Mucky Tundra (11h) : Semantics ;)
Zero2Cool (11h) : They didn't return. They didn't even leave! ;-)
Mucky Tundra (11h) : Crosby and Garrett return to their respective teams; truckloads of $$$ solved any problems they had
dhazer (15h) : Russell Wilson will be back in Seattle as a bridge
Zero2Cool (15h) : Bills are releasing pass rusher Von Miller, per sources.
Zero2Cool (15h) : From trade to truce and beyond: the Browns and Myles Garrett reached agreement today on a record contract extension that averages $40m
TheKanataThrilla (8-Mar) : I could actually see Seattle inquiring about Willis.
TheKanataThrilla (8-Mar) : If we took a flyer on a QB, I like Kyle McCord out of Syaracuse. Keep Willis definitely, but don't turn down a good trade.
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : RB Kareem Hunt as well
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : Tyreek Hill also arrested before or during Chiefs time for assault.
Martha Careful (8-Mar) : Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Xavier Worthy was arrested for assault. They are now even more likely to supplement the WR position
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : So weak I had to say it twice!
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : But it feels like a weak QB draft class
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : But it feels like a weak QB draft class
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : I suppose that puts Seattle in play for a QB in the 1st round this year
Mucky Tundra (8-Mar) : Gotta say, didn't see Geno getting traded from the Seahawks
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : Breer: Seahawks offered the Raiders Geno Smith and DK Metcalf for EDGE Maxx Crosby; Raiders "quickly" declined.
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : It has 2019 Packers schedule.. yeah, I be slowly coding haha
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : Finally got the 'new' PackersHome online...
Zero2Cool (8-Mar) : Nice work Seahawks!
dhazer (8-Mar) : wow Geno Smith to the Raiders for a 3rd rounder
Zero2Cool (6-Mar) : Good deal too
Martha Careful (6-Mar) : Maxx Crosby resigned by Raiders
Zero2Cool (6-Mar) : Chargers release Joey Bosa
Zero2Cool (4-Mar) : Appears Jets released Adams. It'll be official in few hours.
Zero2Cool (3-Mar) : We have re-signed LB Isaiah McDuffie
Zero2Cool (2-Mar) : Jets taking calls for Davante Adams. That $38m cap number hurting lol
Zero2Cool (2-Mar) : Guess it's not official until the 12th
Zero2Cool (2-Mar) : Deebo went for a 5th to Commanders?
Martha Careful (1-Mar) : Just like my late husband!!
Zero2Cool (1-Mar) : Once fired up, it should be good
Zero2Cool (1-Mar) : Sometimes, the first page load will be slow. it's firing up the site.
Martha Careful (1-Mar) : The site is operating much faster...tyvm
Mucky Tundra (28-Feb) : It's the offseason and the draft is still nearly 2 months away, what can ya do?🤷‍♂️
Zero2Cool (27-Feb) : NFL teams were notified today that the 2025 salary cap has been set at $279,200,000 per club.
Zero2Cool (27-Feb) : sssllllooooow
Martha Careful (27-Feb) : is it just me, or has the website been slow the last couple of days?
buckeyepackfan (26-Feb) : Damnit 2026 2nd rnd pick!
buckeyepackfan (26-Feb) : Packers get Myles Garret and Browns 2926 2nd rnd pick.
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Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
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