Which off, what's a crumble? Are cookies allowed on the field now? Last I heard, all food, even hotdogs and stuff are supposively banned from the field, those they still order some to the field at times.
Though really feel like the NFL is missing out of an advising opportunity here. A player eatting a pizza on the sidelines, would make me wanna get a pizza lol
Also, as for PFF, I think one down side I remember when their information was more free, (their off-season FA stuff was free), I noticed players who hasn't play as much didn't get extreme grades, even some of the horrible ones.. and I thought I realized to get truely accurate grades from PFF you had to combine their grade with their snap count and make a formula.
Basically it was harder to compare guys in PFF until their snap counts were in the same ball parks as others...
Unless you knew the PFF baseline... then you could take their score, minus the baseline and then divide the snap count.
But so far, it has seemed Turner has done better at OT than he did at OG, which is very surprising and rare to see, though, I've also wondered how much TE help is he getting.
Originally Posted by: beast