It's lamentable that some are so stuck in their safe little white bubbles that they think this is how the world works.
What crime did Breonna Taylor commit? Sleeping soundly in her own house?
What crime did Atatiana Jefferson commit? She left her front door open, and her neighbor called the police on her. The police shot and killed her through her window.
What crime did Stephon Clark commit? He was shot multiple times because police thought he had a gun. He had a mobile phone.
What crime did Botham Jean commit? He was shot and killed after an off duty police officer broke into HIS home, thinking it was hers.
What crime did Philando Castile commit? He was shot and killed during a traffic stop after informing the police he was in possession of a firearm he legally owned - he did everything exactly as suggested by the paternalists in this thread, and was still killed.
And these are just recent examples. I can keep going if you like.
Even in cases where a crime was allegedly committed, the use of excessive force is a problem that we need to talk about. George Floyd was held on the ground and strangled to death because he may have counterfeited a $20 bill. Eric Garner was strangled to death because he may have been selling loose cigarettes. Just a couple days ago, Ramon Lopez was held for 6 minutes on the blacktop in the scorching Arizona heat, he died moments later in a cop car. His crime? He allegedly stole a drink from a gas station. Again, I can keep going with examples where black people and people of color have been injured or killed due to excessive force. Jacob Blake is not an outlier, he's merely one more example of a systemic problem.
Additionally, it's very telling that there has been not one single mention in this thread of the white supremacist wanna be cop that murdered 2 people and wounded a third during the protests that were sparked by Jacob Blake's death. The little shit that was allowed to walk past the police and drive home to Illinois before being politely taken into custody. This is apparently not concerning to anyone here? But oh boy, if you resist arrest, you'll get what's coming to you!
Originally Posted by: earthquake
Lets blow holes in your so called facts because you must be one of the people that don't wait for facts to come out.
What crime did Breonna Taylor commit? Sleeping soundly in her own house? She was sleeping at her B/f's best friends house because he is in jail, and the police made a search for drugs because guess what he was a drug dealer and she was caught in the crossfire. So how innocent can she be if her b/f is in prison for drugs and shes sleeping with his best friend that is a drug dealer.
What crime did Atatiana Jefferson commit? This is a put yourself into the cops shoes, They were called because of an open door so probably thinking robbery, She was home and was shot thru the window as you stated, but you forgot to state she had a gun by her that she was pointing towards the window before she was shot and that was right from her nephews account. She probably thought someone was breaking in and the police thought someone was robbing the place and was armed.
Clark I believe was taken out because the cops were not stable enough they run around afraid and you can't do that.
Botham Jean this was a sad one because he didn't do anything wrong and i am guessing she was over worked because how do you not know what apartment is yours and which I did find strange was how she just walked in. Could there be more than meets the eye on this one we don't know.
Lets get to the biggest BS story of them all George Floyd he resisted arrest, and they supposedly strangled him by kneeling on his neck. But watch other videos and not CNN, they have videos of when they tried to put him in the police car and he was saying he couldn't breath and they said they would leave the window open for him, they loosened his cuffs and sat and talked with him. Also when theypulled him out from his car he is seen putting drugs in his mouth (which later turned out to be fentanyl and the final autopsy actually shows he died from a drug induced heart attack, why do you think they are not talking about it anymore.
Now lets go to the newest icon the one that nfl players are putting his name on their helmets (imagine what the 14 yr old girl he raped must feel) Jacob Blake is a convicted felon with a restraining order to stay away from the lady he stole the keys from. He fought 2 officers and survived being tazed and still disobeyed the officers and told them he was going for a gun to shoot them. Ya like the cops should have just let him do that.
AAnd now to the point that has pissed me off the most. Kyle was not their to kill people and he is not a white supremacist. he was a 17 yr old that was at his job in Kenosha that day, he was also cleaning up all the graffiti from the idiots the night before. He did an interview before all of this went down and they asked why he was there and he said he is a trained emt and is there to help injured people during the protests and he was asked to protect the car dealership. And he didn't go looking for anyone to shoot. It all started when the ass clowns wanted to burn a gas station and Kyle took a fire extinguisher and put the dumpster out. Watch all the videos you will see the 1st ass nugget was actually begging to be shot when he was telling them to " shoot me nigga" . the cops wouldn't let him get down the road back to the dealership as seen in the videos so he was walking when that ass nugget started chasing him and throwing stuff at him. Then you will hear a shot from a hand gun that video even shows and thats when kyle turned and shot. ( he saved the tax payers tons of money because that ass nugget was a pedophile). He runs around the car and starts going towards the guy when he is told to get out of here and started getting chased. The next idiot actually swung and hit him in the back of the head which made him fall. As he is on the ground that same ass clown runs up and tried to kick him but gets away unhurt. Next you get the smart one and tries hitting him with a skateboard and he catches one right in the heart. ( he was also a felon) then the last one runs up to him with a pistol and gets his arm blown off. And the final part that made me laugh at your comments is that the all 3 had long history of being in jail and prison and ready for this they were all white. Now if he was a white supremacist why would he shoot white people? Even though the head shot dude did look like he would be a white supremacist.
So after all of this maybe people should wait to find out the full story before just claiming what the biased media wants you to know. Do you realize that you can donate money to all of these criminals that are black but facebook go fund me and others all blocked people helping Kyle. And one thing I forgot to mention and that is Antioch is only like a 20 minute drive to Kenosha so give up on the crossing the state line BS because he was in wisconsin all day.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)