Yeah.... you are right. In today’s world, what does class and respect hold value wise?
All that matters is to do what YOU want. Self absorbing is what’s important.
Laws don’t matter, rules don’t matter.
And the excuse that “everyone else is doing it” is a reasonable response.
If it feels good to you, do it. The hell with the law, and what anyone else thinks.
Originally Posted by: Cheesey
With the exception of the law parts, you're kinda being a hypocrite in your own statements here.
You're complaining about them not caring about wanting class and respect, because that's what YOU want... and being a bit self absorbing (not that I'm saying you're wrong, or disagree, as I try to follow laws (other than maybe speed limits), but there are more ways to look at it than just one).
And I think I can say that most fans (sports, entertainment, celebrities) are quite guilty over following peoples lives and getting into their personal business because "everyone else is doing it" and because "it's there" to the point of entire media industries being created around following what famous people are doing (even when they're not at work).
And why do we do it? Because "it feels good", just like a number of us (including me and you) are doing rants because it "feels good".
So basically, with the exception to the law/legal parts, you're doing that same thing that you're complaining about... putting your focus/opinion first (which we as fans often do)...
As for following the laws, do you follow ALL of the laws? ALL OF THEM! Including ALL speed limits? Because there are SO MANY STUPID LAWs, that people ignore them all the time (like I ignore speed limits in certain areas, because it's 25 (or sometimes 15) and majority of people are going 40 with no problems.
But some laws that I'm sure get broken all the time in Wisconsin areas
Should all these laws ALWAYS be followed?
No SNOWBALLS in Wausau Wausau Municipal Code Chapter 9.08.020 states that "No person shall throw or shoot any object, arrow, stone, snowball or other missile or projectile, by hand or by any other means, at any ... public place within the city." For a city that just had its snowiest month ever - 50+ inches in February - that just seems like the fun police!
Racine it’s illegal ... for women to walk down the street unaccompanied by a male.
St. Croix has a law that represses women even more: They’re banned from wearing anything red in public.
Connorsville is more forward-thinking toward women. There, it’s a crime for a man to fire a gun while his female partner is experiencing an orgasm.
Stupid Wisconson Laws  wrote:
I'm certainly not saying people smoking or using drugs ares correct... but people breaks the laws all the times... hell I've been told by more than one law enforcement agent (in different states) that there are so many different car laws on the books, that if you know them well enough, every single car (including police cars), every single car has something breaking the law...
While I personal like to follow the law... there are so many laws (and some extremely stupid), there you have to ignore some of them... and what one person finds smart, another might think is extremely stupid...
And who are we to judge which ones should be followed or not followed?
So we, as humans, almost have to either be Self absorbed, choosing which laws are important to us to both follow, and/or ignore.... OR base it off, the other option of "everyone else is doing it" so it must be alright... that's human nature and we're all doing it (including you, and me)!