Good read LT, don't ever feel bad about talking about your son on here, even venting. Hell, if that was never allowed this site would shut down!
"Trippster" wrote:
I agree with Trippster.
I look at this site as my "family". We share the good AND bad times.
When i was in the hospital in February, it's funny, but one of my first thoughts was "How will i let Packershome know whats going on? What if i die, and they have no clue why I'm not there anymore? They will think i just left them." Isn't that crazy? But it's true. That was why i made my wife bring my notebook to the hospital, because i KNEW i had just written 4packgirl's phone number in it, and i knew she would let everyone know what was up.
we ARE "family", through good and bad.........some of us are dysfuntional, (me)but that doesn't mean we don't all belong here! Heck....the place puts up with ME!
JJ is going through hell, and it HAS to be eatting at you, knowing you can't "fix" whats wrong with him. My heart goes out to has to be such a feeling of helplessness. After all, Daddy's are supposed to be able to fix everything. But we all know thats not true. For you, it's a daily battle, and there's nothing wrong with sharing it with us, and HOPEFULLY we can help in some small way to lift you up and in small ways help you carry your burden.
You are not alone, as long as you don't WANT to be alone.
Heck........i'm still here, and still trying to figure out why. I hope my words, which are meant from the heart, can some how help you.