I don't even know who they are.
"Megatron" wrote:
Veg summed it up pretty well. A tad bit harsh, but I'm not calling him inaccurate. Arrigo (Joe) is a blatant rumor monger, but at least he admits it. The other one definitely puts herself forward as an inside expert, and my recollection is that she claims/had some affiliation with an NFL team. She is absolutely fawned upon in the site in question, I find her irritating at best.
There are some truly outstanding posters there, but the site is run by a pack of pricks that play favorites to a disgusting degree, and many of those favorites are so anti-TT that dissension becomes an exercise in frustration.
I'm sure I'm in trouble over there for saying this, but I don't post much anymore and do not care. They do have a link to here that I know gets used by a select few.
Some of them would be an outstanding addition to this forum. IowaPacker, Terry, Bruce, Dictator of logic, (leaving some out here, sorry, you know who you are)...come on over to the best Packer site on the internet ! -Sod-