7 years ago

You know Bakhtiari can't play RT how? How did the staff know Bulaga could play RT before he did? What we can surmise is Bulaga at LT and Bakh at RT is not preferable due to Bulaga's ineptness at LT not anything to do with how Bakhtiari would do at RT.

Give me one example in the history of the NFL where the less talented guy played a position over another guy where it wasn't about money or experience. Bulaga made way more than Bakh until his extension and he had more experience. The Packers would be FOOLS to play Bakh there if Bulaga was better. You don't go...oh, well this combo is better than this guy who can protect the blindside better so let's not put the best guy protecting our franchise's blindside out there.

If Aaron Rodgers had turned out to be an above average TE instead of a HOF QB, he would've been a wasted 1st round pick as he was selected in Round 1 because of his QB ability. Bulaga was selected in Round 1 because he was to be our starting LT. He FAILED. He ain't better than Bakh...isn't even close. Now, all of a sudden Bulaga is just playing RT because it's in the best interests of the team? LOL. Yes, but..No. He plays there because he's not even close to being our best LT. It is in the best interest of this team that Bulaga is not our LT because he's not very good at it.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Please learn to comprehend what is written before posting idiotic responses.

I never said Bulaga was BETTER, I never said Bahktiari CAN'T play RT. I said we DON'T KNOW.

Could bulaga be better, yes. Could Bahktiari play RT also yes possibly. but we are lucky and don't need to try and find out. We KNOW Bahktiari can play LT and we KNOW Bulaga can play RT, there was no need to experiment. Perhaps we could have looked and said, well bulaga was drafted high so we need to put him at LT or some idiots will think he is a wasted pick. thankfully our coaches are smart enough to know that it is the sum of the parts that matters.

The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
uffda udfa
7 years ago

Please learn to comprehend what is written before posting idiotic responses.

I never said Bulaga was BETTER, I never said Bahktiari CAN'T play RT. I said we DON'T KNOW.

Could bulaga be better, yes. Could Bahktiari play RT also yes possibly. but we are lucky and don't need to try and find out. We KNOW Bahktiari can play LT and we KNOW Bulaga can play RT, there was no need to experiment. Perhaps we could have looked and said, well bulaga was drafted high so we need to put him at LT or some idiots will think he is a wasted pick. thankfully our coaches are smart enough to know that it is the sum of the parts that matters.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

We also KNOW Bulaga isn't an effective LT and Bakh is. Thank you.

You've been beating a losing argument to death. Bulaga is not a quality LT. Bakh is.

Don't ever get off the point that Bakh plays LT because he's so much better than Bulaga. There is no reason to test Bakh at RT because you don't take your best LT and have him play RT. Things are as they should be to best protect 12s blindside PERIOD. No other reason. Man!
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

7 years ago

We also KNOW Bulaga isn't an effective LT and Bakh is. Thank you.

You've been beating a losing argument to death. Bulaga is not a quality LT. Bakh is.

Don't ever get off the point that Bakh plays LT because he's so much better than Bulaga. There is no reason to test Bakh at RT because you don't take your best LT and have him play RT. Things are as the should be to best protect 12s blindside PERIOD. No other reason. Man!

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

You don't know Bulaga isn't or wouldn't be effective, you only know Bahktiari is.

Real coaches and people with intelligence know you play your players where the team benefits the most. Perfect example, Clay was our best OLB, but we played him inside because it made the defense better. Bahktiari proved enough that he can play LT, allowing us to have a better RT by moving Bulaga back after he returned from injury.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
uffda udfa
7 years ago

You don't know Bulaga isn't or wouldn't be effective, you only know Bahktiari is.

Real coaches and people with intelligence know you play your players where the team benefits the most. Perfect example, Clay was our best OLB, but we played him inside because it made the defense better. Bahktiari proved enough that he can play LT, allowing us to have a better RT by moving Bulaga back after he returned from injury.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

Huh??? To the highlighted portion. Yes. Yes. Yes, I do know...Bulaga tried playing LT for us. BRUTAL. When he got injured there was no reason to try and rush him back because Bakh was better. Had Bakh been worse, Bryan would've gone right back out to LT, but...he didn't. Why? He's not a very good LT...never was. He was like Richard Rodgers starting at TE. You could go on and on about how RR is a starting TE for us and scream it like some proof that he's good, but he's a very very average TE to below. His status as a starting TE was due to NOBODY else on the roster. Same for LT...Bulaga was there because we had nobody. Bulaga was no more a quality starting LT than Richard Rodgers was a starting quality TE but they did both start the positions they were drafted to play. Just couldn't play them very well.

Yes. You keep beating this "best for the team" drum. What is BEST FOR THE TEAM is having the BEST LT play LT...that is David Bakhtiari NOT Bryan Bulaga who has FAILED there in the past.

Comparing Clay Matthews move inside to protecting your franchise's blindside rings hollow. There is ONE thing you don't fool with. That is protecting Aaron Rodgers. That is why Jamaal Williams is leading the stable of rookies because he protects the franchise better. Aaron Jones is the better runner and receiver but he can't protect as well as Williams.

The Packers coaches know they have to protect 12. If putting Bulaga at LT was the best way to do that they would do that. When Bakhtiari went out to try his hand at LT he wasn't all world like he is getting to be. He was just okay but he was still better than Bulaga so Bulaga didn't go back. If Bulaga was ready to go and better at LT that is where he would've been. Period. I'm not sure why you continue fighting this very rudimentary concept that the best player at LT is going to play LT. Show me an example EVER in NFL history where they best LT went to play RT because it was best for the team? It's insanity.

David Bakhtiari...4th round out of Colorado is so much better than 1st Rounder Bryan Bulaga out of Iowa.

If Jason Spriggs was better than Bulaga or Bakhtiari he would be playing their position. He isn't so he doesn't.

In Clay's case, he's not the old Clay...we all know it. If he was the guy from years ago there's no way he gets moved inside regardless of need.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

7 years ago

Huh??? To the highlighted portion. Yes. Yes. Yes, I do know...Bulaga tried playing LT for us. BRUTAL. When he got injured there was no reason to try and rush him back because Bakh was better. Had Bakh been worse, Bryan would've gone right back out to LT, but...he didn't. Why? He's not a very good LT...never was. He was like Richard Rodgers starting at TE. You could go on and on about how RR is a starting TE for us and scream it like some proof that he's good, but he's a very very average TE to below. His status as a starting TE was due to NOBODY else on the roster. Same for LT...Bulaga was there because we had nobody. Bulaga was no more a quality starting LT than Richard Rodgers was a starting quality TE but they did both start the positions they were drafted to play. Just couldn't play them very well.

Yes. You keep beating this "best for the team" drum. What is BEST FOR THE TEAM is having the BEST LT play LT...that is David Bakhtiari NOT Bryan Bulaga who has FAILED there in the past.

Comparing Clay Matthews move inside to protecting your franchise's blindside rings hollow. There is ONE thing you don't fool with. That is protecting Aaron Rodgers. That is why Jamaal Williams is leading the stable of rookies because he protects the franchise better. Aaron Jones is the better runner and receiver but he can't protect as well as Williams.

The Packers coaches know they have to protect 12. If putting Bulaga at LT was the best way to do that they would do that. When Bakhtiari went out to try his hand at LT he wasn't all world like he is getting to be. He was just okay but he was still better than Bulaga so Bulaga didn't go back. If Bulaga was ready to go and better at LT that is where he would've been. Period. I'm not sure why you continue fighting this very rudimentary concept that the best player at LT is going to play LT. Show me an example EVER in NFL history where they best LT went to play RT because it was best for the team? It's insanity.

David Bakhtiari...4th round out of Colorado is so much better than 1st Rounder Bryan Bulaga out of Iowa.

If Jason Spriggs was better than Bulaga or Bakhtiari he would be playing their position. He isn't so he doesn't.

In Clay's case, he's not the old Clay...we all know it. If he was the guy from years ago there's no way he gets moved inside regardless of need.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

If it wasn't for your insistence on how Bulaga failed at LT, you would almost be right. But seeing how you keep insisting that based on ZERO evidence your posts continue to be ignorant.

I'm just glad a good LT appeared when needed, so we can now have a good pair of bookends.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
uffda udfa
7 years ago

If it wasn't for your insistence on how Bulaga failed at LT, you would almost be right. But seeing how you keep insisting that based on ZERO evidence your posts continue to be ignorant.

I'm just glad a good LT appeared when needed, so we can now have a good pair of bookends.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

:) I will live with an almost.

Put the tape of the fail Mary game on...1st half. There's plenty of evidence right there. He couldn't handle speed. That is a big part of why he failed and doesn't play there anymore.

Like you, I'm happy we have capable players on both sides.

Here's some more evidence. Shouldn't need more than this:. Marsha freaking Newhouse played LT so poorly we actually contemplated putting Bulaga there. Think about it. A brutal Newhouse started at LT over our 1st rounder who was drafted to play there.

I rest my case. 
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

7 years ago

:) I will live with an almost.

Put the tape of the fail Mary game on...1st half. There's plenty of evidence right there. He couldn't handle speed. That is a big part of why he failed and doesn't play there anymore.

Like you, I'm happy we have capable players on both sides.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

If Ted Thompson "failed" with more players the caliber of Bryan Bulaga, the Packers would be a much better team, undoubtedly. We could only hope for such failures more often, especially in the first round.
uffda udfa
7 years ago

If Ted Thompson "failed" with more players the caliber of Bryan Bulaga, the Packers would be a much better team, undoubtedly. We could only hope for such failures more often, especially in the first round.

Originally Posted by: DoddPower 

Hilarious and true.

Time for this refashioned line to build chemistry, and time for Bulaga to adjust to a role he has never mastered in the NFL. Along with the sunnier snaps above, Bulaga too often was victimized by more athletic edge rushers. At right, he's handled by Seattle Seahawks end Bruce Irvin in the "Fail Mary" affair, a game in which Bulaga give up two of the eight sacks on Rodgers that night.

--- Bulaga FAILED at the position he was drafted to play. He's not an NFL left tackle. I am thankful he can handle the other side.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

7 years ago

Bulaga FAILED at the position he was drafted to play. He's not an NFL left tackle. I am thankful he can handle the other side.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Only thing that's failing here is your poor logic. As you're suggesting if a player doesn't play one specific position, that they're a failure... which is clearly labeling crap.

That would mean T.J. Lang was a failure too, since he played OG instead of OT. If Ty Montgomery were to become a Hall of Fame RB, that he'd be a failure since he's playing RB instead of WR.

The fact that remains is the labels means crap, what matters is the substance that they add to the team and Bulaga has clearly added a lot of value to the OL, no matter if it's at LT, LG, C, RG or RT, it is still a lot of positive value to the team... and it's the team that matters, not the position label.
uffda udfa
7 years ago

Only thing that's failing here is your poor logic. As you're suggesting if a player doesn't play one specific position, that they're a failure... which is clearly labeling crap.

That would mean T.J. Lang was a failure too, since he played OG instead of OT. If Ty Montgomery were to become a Hall of Fame RB, that he'd be a failure since he's playing RB instead of WR.

The fact that remains is the labels means crap, what matters is the substance that they add to the team and Bulaga has clearly added a lot of value to the OL, no matter if it's at LT, LG, C, RG or RT, it is still a lot of positive value to the team... and it's the team that matters, not the position label.

Originally Posted by: beast 

I understand your view. It's tough to see this as I do. What you're saying I agree with, however you're arguing something I'm not. Bulaga was SPECIFICALLY drafted in Round 1 to be our LT. It's a matter of how this affects our franchise. We got no Dez Bryant to get a RT thinking we got a steal of a LT. I define that specific moment as...FAILURE and bad for our franchise. I also define him as FAILURE of a LT because...HE WAS. Those two specific things are failures. I understand he's a very good RT but we shouldn't have used a1st rounder on a RT.

It amazes me how those on your side would say a guy like Sherrod wasn't a waste because he was just cursed with bad injury luck. Where is how it actually worked out considered in that scenario? It ain't. It always comes back to trying to praise the org regardless and that is zero objectivity. It's fine as long as you're aware of where we're both coming from.

EDIT: Oh, there is an even bigger picture. Why did we draft Sherrod in the 1st round? TO PLAY LT...Why? Bulaga wasn't the answer there! So, you now have TWO BURNED 1st ROUND PICKS FOR ?????? NO LEFT TACKLE. If you don't see that as an issue I'm not sure what else to type? This is similar to Randall and Rollins...FAILURES...causing us to BURN ANOTHER 1st ROUNDER on ANOTHER CB. That's 3 high picks on the position...if King can't play either???? Yikes. These fail moments have a cumulative effect and really affect our franchise a great deal. It's always NEED DRAFTING because we can't draft what we NEED so we keep NEEDING it and DRAFTING it with HIGH PICKS. It's been a vicious cycle.

I like to see a team do smart things. It is not smart to draft Bulaga watch him fail...use another him fail and then brag about how great it is we got a very good RT out of 2 burned 1st rounders. It's kind of sad, actually.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (22h) : Former Packers QB Brett Favre recently announced he was diagnosed with Parkinson's.
Zero2Cool (23h) : The only QBs this season with 0 turnover-worthy plays according to PFF (minimum 30 dropbacks) Aaron Rodgers Malik Willis Justin Fields
Mucky Tundra (23-Sep) : @DavidBearmanPFN · 18h Vegas has watched Will Levis for 3 weeks and installed them as a 1-point favorite in Miami next week. Let that sink
Mucky Tundra (23-Sep) : Martha, they did play much better with Dalton yesterday
Zero2Cool (23-Sep) : Test results on Sam Darnold’s knee showed a knee bruise and no structural damage. He is not expected to miss any time.
Martha Careful (23-Sep) : Not with Dalton apparently
Mucky Tundra (23-Sep) : Not sure what to make of the NFC South so far this season (outside of the Panthers being a dumpster fire)
Mucky Tundra (22-Sep) : of course I say that and then they overturn that play that put them on the 49ers 2 yard line
Mucky Tundra (22-Sep) : *without
Mucky Tundra (22-Sep) : Even with Nacua and Kupp out, Rams looking fiesty on offense
Martha Careful (22-Sep) : Tim Boyle is playing for the Dolphins
Martha Careful (22-Sep) : I love seeing Dallas lose
Mucky Tundra (22-Sep) : The Red Rifle is on fire in Las Vegas! 3 TDs in the first half!
Mucky Tundra (22-Sep) : @mattschneidman · 2m The fire alarm is going off inside the Packers locker room here in Nashville.
Mucky Tundra (22-Sep) : Gonna need a drink after looking at my picks for the early games in Pick'em
Zero2Cool (22-Sep) : James Jones. Y’all must not know, Dr. Mackenzie🤣 he was not going to let Jordan love play today.
Zero2Cool (22-Sep) : Malik to start. Love inactive. Per report. Let's go!!
buckeyepackfan (22-Sep) : I think J-10VE will be inactive, a little twist that could be put in is run a wildcat with Wicks at qb. Have him as emergency qb if needed.
Zero2Cool (21-Sep) : I think that's how it works.
Zero2Cool (21-Sep) : I'd go 3 QB regardless this game.
Zero2Cool (21-Sep) : Clifford was elevated, not activated. He doesn't play, it doesn't count.
hardrocker950 (21-Sep) : If Clifford is active, not likely to see Jordan play this weekend
Mucky Tundra (21-Sep) : QB Sean Clifford and CB Robert Rochell elevated from the PS for the Titans game
Zero2Cool (20-Sep) : Love questionable. Morgan is out. Valentine is doubtful
Martha Careful (20-Sep) : Rodgers and Lazard off to a very strong start
Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : Josh Jacobs. Limited.
Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : Can't find anything on Jacobs :(
wpr (19-Sep) : Do you know if they gave Jacobs an extra day off? I hope so.
Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : WR Jayden Reed (calf) and G Elgton Jenkins (illness/glute) returned after sitting out Wednesday.
Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : Packers are in pads and so is Jordan Love. Second straight day of practice for QB1.
bboystyle (18-Sep) : If Love comes back, we win in a blow out
Zero2Cool (18-Sep) : Jordan Love just spoke with reporters and said he’s giving himself the week but hopeful to play Sunday against the Titans.
Zero2Cool (18-Sep) : Practicing is Jordan Love!
Zero2Cool (18-Sep) : Packers are signing WR Cornelius Johnson to the Practice Squad per sources. Johnson was a 7th round pick this year.
Zero2Cool (17-Sep) : Packers placed RB MarShawn Lloyd on injured reserve.
Zero2Cool (16-Sep) : Rams won’t have Cooper Kupp or Puka Nacua when they host the Packers in Week 5.
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : Or is that the Rusty Red Rifle because of his age?
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : The Red Rifle Returns!
Zero2Cool (16-Sep) : Panthers are benching former No. 1 overall pick Bryce Young and starting veteran Andy Dalton beginning this week.
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : bears still have slim chance here
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : and there's another one!
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : oh crap macbob has the Texans K and he keeps hitting these long FGs
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Hope the Texans beat the brakes off the Bears
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : LaFleur: “I asked Malik why he didn’t throw it on that third down and he told me Josh threw up on the ball.”
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : i was wondering why it was just you, me, beast and macbob by the end
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Yeah it was weird today for some reason
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Oh my, marvin harrison jr might be as good as he was billed out to be
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : and none of the chats on my phone are showing up on the desktop chat
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : weird, i was on my phone for chat during the game but now on my desktop I look at chat and there's tons of chats i didn't see on my phone
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Oh yeah, for sure. That's just not fair thoguh.
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Friday, Sep 6 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 12:00 PM
Saturday, Jan 4 @ 11:00 PM
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