It always makes me laugh when I hear the "story" of the "loving, caring, all inclusive" liberals.
As Packfan already stated, they are only that way when you agree with them.
And as far as the democrats doing so much for the poor, have you looked around? 8 years of Obama sure didn't do anything to help the poor. LIP SERVICE, good speaches, that's ALL they got.
And the "change" Obama preached? Yeah.....all that is left is the "change" in poor people's pockets.
And conservatives being the "hate" people? Do you know how many MILLIONS of unborn children have been murdered since Roe Vs. Wade?
I know...."choice". The same kind of "choice" Hitler followed when he murdered millions of Jews, and Polish and Black people.
Yeah....but we don't need GOD in this country.
Originally Posted by: Cheesey
Having more people profess to be Christians and they do evil things is not getting more God in the US, it's getting less.
Defining when human life begins is moral and religious issue.
Killing life [EG plants and animals] is done all the time without negative moral repercussions. Personally, I dont think an egg or sperm constitute human life. I dont think the sperm and egg are human a split second before the egg and sperm fuse nor the split second after they fuse. Yes, there's 46 chromosomes in the human genome; but it can no more be defined as human than the egg or sperm. It just a mass of cells that only has POTENTIAL to be human. But the sperm a fraction away from egg does too; but it is okay to prevent a fusion occurring by a spermicide a diaphragm or a condom?
Every time a women allows an egg to pass without fertilization she denies the life of that child; she kills that child. To me if a person's religion forces them to believe that the potential of life that exists in a women's womb must be protected at all cost; then that religion must require women to fertilize every egg as often as possible. Of course, the typical Christian is two-faced [I know this because I see them up close and personal, I might even be one :)]; they take their moral high ground but realize that keeping that high ground is a bitch. So they draw an arbitrary line that human life begins at the moment of fusion of egg and sperm. This way they can chose to kill 20-30-40 children over their lifetime without guilt.
Obviously, at some point that human genome becomes a human life and it seems that occurs before the end of the typical gestation period.
Rowe v Wade does not permit a mother the choice to kill her child born or unborn. It stops the potential for human life; but logically that is no different than what contraception does.
You have your religious opinion on when life begins, I respect it; but don't impose your beliefs on me nor should you try to create a law that impose your religious beliefs on me. Unless we can pass a law that says any Christian can be fed to Lions without legal consequence.
Or how about this. First work to keep your party from being treasonous lawless fucks. Once they abide by the law and stop trying to gerrymander, Crosscheck, Jim Crow or otherwise subvert free and equal elections, we'll consider repeal of RVW.