I finally got around to watching MM's presser. I got 3:27 seconds in and I had to hit pause and come here while it's still fresh.
Our HC was asked a ten second question about how he viewed the season in light of some saying it wasn't successful because they didn't reach the SB.
It took Mike McCarthy 3 minutes and 17 seconds to answer a very simple pertinent question. The amount of double talk was dizzying. He was so proud of his answer he remarked, "I should've made that my opening statement."
This guy went on about it not being black and white. Wrong. In your business that is all it is. You win or you don't. He went on to say it's the "ultimate goal" and they "want" to be playing like Atlanta and New England. Yes, so do Cleveland and Chicago. To go down the road of "we've never wavered" from the goal of winning the SB and double talk it and excuse it with his "levels of success" spiel and then sum it all up by saying it was a "very successful season...I don't know why anyone would even question that." is closing in on Baghdad Bob territory.
Basically, I got from him that...they try...they want...etc. Not...we demand, nothing else matters, we have to do better, not a single word on his responsibility. Didn't seem to bother him whatsoever that he was having a season ending presser after losing 44-21. A guy who burns to win would really struggle with it and not give a 3 minute and 17 second answer why it was "very successful" while admitting falling short of their goal. A winner would say it wasn't a successful season, by definition, of them not reaching their goal. Don't have a goal if it's okay not to reach it.
I invite all Packers fan to watch that first Q and A and give me your impression of what he had to say. I expect most will answer based on their preconceived notions on how they feel about MM, but really watch it and listen. Tell me if you feel like this is the right guy to bring us another Lil' Vinny?
If you feel MM is the right guy... tell us why?
If you don't... tell us why?
No reason for anyone to get on anyone for their honest viewpoint. This is something everyone can lend their own unique perspective to. I, for one, would love to hear how people interpret his answer.
EDIT: Keep in mind the Packers were favored to be in the SB and win every regular season game before the season started.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."