What I love is you now have reports that MM is just like guys like Dakota and myself. MM gets that our GM just doesn't do enough to maximize each season. I understand his frustration. ANYONE objectively watching can see this so I'm very happy to read that even the Head Coach of the Green Bay Packers sees this and is frustrated by it. What that tells me is one of them, or both, has to go.
This comment from profootballtalk.com on the MM frustration is poignant:
Packers fans should want something more than merely contending for the balance of Rodgers’ career. Arguably the best quarterback of the last decade, the Packers should have more than one Super Bowl appearance during his career.
----No? Really? Don't tell most fans here that! It's just fine being competitive. My goodness the bubble some are in. Get out of the bubble and see, man! The voices are growing louder about what is really happening in Packerland. Nobody cared or paid it much attention because you usually don't see things until it's too late. Those things should've been seen especially by Packers fans but they were too busy in their tiers of happiness to notice.
Hoping this means something finally gives and we get some real NEEDED change around here. That's what we should want...but most likely don't.
Somebody should PIN this article at the top of the board and have every Packers fan read it before they can proceed here. Every single new Packers fan or old should be reading and learning from that piece. The same old same old isn't what we need. Gotta go for it. As it says... no guts no glory. Org has been gutless for years.
EDIT: I just LOVED this comment to the PFT piece:
gtodriver says:
Jan 24, 2016 3:44 PM
The rest of the league has realized that TT’s approach to FA is not getting the job done for years.
Now MM realizes it.
In a a decade or two, the Packer fans will admit it too.
---Oh, that last part is oh so true. Get on board, now, or you'll be on the wrong side of Packers history.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."