9 years ago

Who did we trade away a couple of years prior before winning the SB in 2010? I think that was a 1st ballot hall of famer. I'm all but certain you were moaning and depressed that we did the wrong thing. I can't even imagine how you were after 6-10.

That was needed to get to the show. That is something you don't seem to grasp.

You would've freaked had you been a Bucs fan when Dungy got canned. NECESSARY.

This team has failed 5 years in a row. SOMETHING has to change. Doesn't have to be Rodgers but it has to be something SIGNIFICANT. Taking a step back to go forward is more than worth it but I understand how "fun" it is to win divisions and lose in the playoffs. It's exhilarating.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Burt was older at that time and had spent about 5 years with his will he / won't he act. Aaron has had one underwhelming season. Apples and oranges.

I cringe everytime I read your "proud to be division champs bull." There isn't a fan here who gave two shits about winning the division, and you know that. It's the red herring you always resort to.

As earthquake said there are tiers of satisfaction .

I don't see the need to do something drastic. Lacy's stomach, 4 hurt wrs, and finding a TE and ILB can be accomplished in the offseason. For two seasons, this team demonstrated that when in the playoffs it can get close to the SB.
uffda udfa
9 years ago

Burt was older at that time and had spent about 5 years with his will he / won't he act. Aaron has had one underwhelming season. Apples and oranges.

I cringe everytime I read your "proud to be division champs bull." There isn't a fan here who gave two shits about winning the division, and you know that. It's the red herring you always resort to.

As earthquake said there are tiers of satisfaction .

I don't see the need to do something drastic. Lacy's stomach, 4 hurt wrs, and finding a TE and ILB can be accomplished in the offseason. For two seasons, this team demonstrated that when in the playoffs it can get close to the SB.

Originally Posted by: musccy 

Why do you cringe? A red herring? Really. Go back and look at the posts after we won the division last year and tell me nobody cared. How many of you own division championship memorabilia?

Tiers or tears of satisfaction? 😁

The way the NFL is set up is for one winner. The object of the game is to be the one winner. Anything less than that doesn't bring any satisfaction. Did losing to Denver in the SB thwarting our back to back dreams give any satisfaction? It sure didn't to me. I recall the people I watched that game sitting in stunned silence when it was over. I don't recall any hand holding saying, "Well, we had a great least we're not Cleveland." Who does or thinks like that? Who? Too many on this board. Do you think Seattle fans were happy about being 1 yard short of back to back last year? Nope. Do you think they're celebrating and commiserating falsities about how they aren't Cleveland after getting knocked out of the playoffs? No...the fans and the org are upset and will try very hard to reload and get back and win another one. It won't be any of the garbage typed here about just keeping status quo and Seattle made it to back to back SB and they'll do something. We make one SB every decade and a half or so and we've got the formula and just need to relax? My goodness. Are you serious?

Nerd thinks Aaron is already in physical decline. If that is true, he'll be 33 at the end of next season. Do you think we're going to rebound and win it all next season? Why? Because we beat one of the worst playoff qualifiers in the history of the NFL playoffs in the Washington Redskins who beat nobody with a winning record in one of the worst divisions in memory last season? Philly and NY fired their HC's. Coughlin won more with Eli than MM did with Rodgers but he's gone. It wasn't good enough in NY.

It can't be questioned that folks like Dakota and Wade are more similar to me as the rest of you are to each other. Perspective. You have yours and I love asking why you think as you do. You don't care to think about why we think the way do. I truly wish I could experience the tiers of happiness that you do within 5 losing seasons in a row, but I can't. I also can't just make excuses and blindly believe next year will be better...I'm not a Cubs fan...I'm a Packers fan.

A person who celebrates good doesn't care about greatness and a person who cares about greatness doesn't care about being good. It's clear where we fit in the preceding statement.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

9 years ago
It's not about celebrating good nor am I or any Packers fan happy they lost. I'm still annoyed about Jerry Rice's fumble, Elway's helicopter, and Peppers telling Burnett to give up 30+ yards on an int return.

You're just wrong if you think every team should expect to win the SB. The Browns don't have a snowball's chance in hell for the next few years. If they draft Goff, he looks respectable and they win 6, fans should be somewhat pleased. Not because winning 6 is great, but that there may finally be hope for a perennial joke. It's like what the Raiders and Bucs are going through now. They're not ready to win the SB, but they're showing they're positioning a franchise for years of success.

The Packers aren't in that boat. Since about 2009 and for the next few years at least, the goal SHOULD be the SB at the BEGINNING of the year. That said, shit happens throughout the year. You even said you thought Lacy could trend toward MVP this year - none of us expected him to become MVP of McDonalds (or at least not to that extent). 1 WR available who was on the roster after TC, and LOW on the roster at that. Bakhtiari has 3 torn ligaments in his ankle? Lang's shoulder is all kinds of f'd up. Shit came up that we didn't foresee. Same with the Steelers. Shit beyond their control came up, and them reaching the SB became a reach at best by the time the Divisional round came up.

The "tiers of satisfaction" to me comes is about looking forward. No, you're never happy a team lost, but is there reason to believe this team can position themselves for a run into the future. This team nearly beat what many consider to be the best in the NFL right now. Undoubtedly there is stuff to fix this offseason, but to me, at this juncture, there's no reason to doubt the 2016 Packers could make another run at the SB.
uffda udfa
9 years ago

It's not about celebrating good nor am I or any Packers fan happy they lost. I'm still annoyed about Jerry Rice's fumble, Elway's helicopter, and Peppers telling Burnett to give up 30+ yards on an int return.

You're just wrong if you think every team should expect to win the SB. The Browns don't have a snowball's chance in hell for the next few years. If they draft Goff, he looks respectable and they win 6, fans should be somewhat pleased. Not because winning 6 is great, but that there may finally be hope for a perennial joke. It's like what the Raiders and Bucs are going through now. They're not ready to win the SB, but they're showing they're positioning a franchise for years of success.

The Packers aren't in that boat. Since about 2009 and for the next few years at least, the goal SHOULD be the SB at the BEGINNING of the year. That said, shit happens throughout the year. You even said you thought Lacy could trend toward MVP this year - none of us expected him to become MVP of McDonalds (or at least not to that extent). 1 WR available who was on the roster after TC, and LOW on the roster at that. Bakhtiari has 3 torn ligaments in his ankle? Lang's shoulder is all kinds of f'd up. Shit came up that we didn't foresee. Same with the Steelers. Shit beyond their control came up, and them reaching the SB became a reach at best by the time the Divisional round came up.

The "tiers of satisfaction" to me comes is about looking forward. No, you're never happy a team lost, but is there reason to believe this team can position themselves for a run into the future. This team nearly beat what many consider to be the best in the NFL right now. Undoubtedly there is stuff to fix this offseason, but to me, at this juncture, there's no reason to doubt the 2016 Packers could make another run at the SB.

Originally Posted by: musccy 

This is my opinion on what is going to happen to a fan like you and others who are of the same mindset. You will suffer Cubs syndrome. You live in this fantasy of maybe next year we'll be good enough and then all of a sudden you're going to find yourself at the end of the run realizing it never came and only then will you realize what you should be realizing right now that what is happening now isn't good enough for you to live in that fantasy you're living in today. That is my sincere opinion.

The NFL can swing wildly from one year to the next. Carolina was AWFUL last season and now they're in the NFC Championship at 16-1 and odds on favorites to win it all. Cleveland has some very nice pieces in place. If they could ever settle on a HC and find a QB they could really surprise. If they take Goff and he's what he appears to be they might make a nice little run next season with Josh Gordon back and staying clean. They have a nice OL and great TE.

One possibility you don't even acknowledge is this thing could be headed toward oblivion. There is no guarantee that the 4-6 (really 3-7 as Detroit win was not a real win to me) isn't going to continue into next season because we went 1-1 in the playoffs beating a simply terrible Washington team. We could be witnessing the changing of a perennial division championship playoff failure into a team that doesn't make the playoffs. That is all part of this fallacy that fans like you have with thinking everything is okay and never needing any betterment due to past results. It isn't last year, it's a new year. I'm completely unsure of where this is headed for the Packers. I can't be like you thinking that it's an automatic that we're still a power in this division. Minnesota won the division and have been inclining since Zimmer got there. Detroit picked it up at end of season and Chicago for all they went through didn't play all that poorly. With Pace and Fox they look poised to be something there. We might be the weak sister. We have to do better than we have been because we have been caught and perhaps passed for good while.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

9 years ago
Just because I'm not on here screaming to blow up the ship doesn't mean I have "Cubs Syndrome" or that I don't feel that changes are necessary.

Some of the things that I felt went awry this year...

Lacy went to Sonic
Barclay was on the roster / need tackle depth
Guards were hurt
4 wrs lost to season-ending injury
TE position is weak
Need an ILB
Trust Janis/Abby

I don't know what the TE/ILB FA/Draft pool looks like yet, so it's tough to comment on that, but the majority of the rest of the issues, I feel can be solved in an offseason, most notably the injuries.

9 years ago
Are we really discussing the worth of Aaron Rodgers? You are all insane.

His worth is on the Packers for the rest of his career.
9 years ago

Are we really discussing the worth of Aaron Rodgers? You are all insane.

His worth is on the Packers for the rest of his career.

Originally Posted by: Yerko 

Only if he is the best option. Packers made the best choice letting Favre go, Colts made the best choice letting Peyton go. 49ers made the best choice letting Montana and Rice both go.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
9 years ago
Here in the office we have a diehard Browns fan and I joked around with him saying the Packers were trading Rodgers to the Browns for this years 1 and 2 and next years 1 and he said no way they better not. He then said maybe the 1 and 2 this year not not 2 of the 1s.

So maybe that tells you how much Rodgers is really worth from a die hard fan from a team that sucks. He is such a die hard fan he actually sends letters to Someone in the front office and complains and they actually respond back to him lol.
Just Imagine this for the next 6-9 years. What a ride it will be 🙂 (PS, Zero should charge for this)
9 years ago

1. To win a SB a team must make the playoffs.

2. To make the playoffs a team must have a winning record(99% if the time).

I guess you would rather trade Aaron Rodgers and miss the playoffs.

Two types of teams in The NFL.

The ones that have a franchise QB and the ones that are looking for a franchise QB.

I prefer the former, they usually make the playoffs and have a shot at making a run for a SB.

You obviously prefer the latter.

Originally Posted by: buckeyepackfan 

Buckeye....there you go again, resorting to actual LOGIC to make your point. How DARE you!!!!😝

It amazes me how some "fans" think that getting rid of the major reason you are MAKING the playoffs every year in the first place that that will somehow lead you to winning a super bowl.
Yeah.....get rid of Rodgers, spend the next 20 years trying to find a replacement that has even HALF the talent he does, then hope that somehow you can win it all.
Yeah......that's the ticket!
As was already stated, how many teams search year after year, TRYING to find a talented QB, and yet can't get it done?
How many QB's have the Bears, Vikings and Lions gone through in the last 25 years? How many have the Packers had? How many super bowls have the Bears, Lions and Vikings won in the last 25 years COMBINED?
So some want to join the ranks of "I WISH we could win a super bowl" to a team that actually has done so, and if they can stay even half as healthy next season, has a realistic chance of actually winning a SB.
9 years ago

Only if he is the best option. Packers made the best choice letting Favre go, Colts made the best choice letting Peyton go. 49ers made the best choice letting Montana and Rice both go.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

True, and he IS the best choice for the Packers making the super bowl in the near future.
He had a below average year compared to previous years. Still, he is better then most NFL QB's even as bad as he was. We are just used to his way above average ability.
He will be back to his "normal" next season, and we will once again be in the hunt for a SB title.
To get rid of him now would be suicide to any super bowl hopes for many years.
He still has at least 5 more good years left.
The chances of finding another Rodgers or Favre are slim to none.
For those of us old enough, remember the 1970's and 80's.
It can happen again, believe me.
How many "can't miss" QB's have come and gone in the last 25 years in the NFL?
We are just plain lucky that we have had two of the best during that time.
Count your blessing, gentlemen!
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (1h) : It's better to have $17m to use on players who will be on the field. That's why trade/release is talked
Zero2Cool (1h) : post june is $7m cap hit with $17m saving
Zero2Cool (1h) : oops meant $10m cap hit
Zero2Cool (1h) : And pre june is $10m savings
Zero2Cool (1h) : Can't make him play.
dhazer (1h) : I am curious why the big need to release Jaire, we have 29 million cap space we arent spending and would only gain $6 million/ make him play
Zero2Cool (2h) : Joey Bosa signed with Bills?
dfosterf (2h) : What they are offering is a left over case of Leinies from the Chippewa Falls plant
Zero2Cool (3h) : 27, 59, 91, 129 gets you Jaire and our 3rd
Zero2Cool (3h) : they give us those five, or even first four, they can have Jaire.
Zero2Cool (3h) : 27, 59, 91, 129 and 136 are only ones worth having of theirs.
dfosterf (3h) : What they don't have is cap space, at least presently at 5.6 mil
dfosterf (3h) : Poor bastards only have 11
Zero2Cool (3h) : Ravens ain't got crap for picks.
Zero2Cool (3h) : Aaron Rodgers is choosing between Steelers and Giants. The Vikings are officially out on him, per RapSheet
dfosterf (3h) : Current cap space 29.6 million.
dfosterf (3h) : Hobbs 2025 cap hit just under 6 million. Banks 2025 cap hit just over 9 million
Mucky Tundra (10h) : beast, this is news to me! Tell me more about these, "draft picks." They seem mighty mysterious! 😉
beast (12h) : Yes, the Ravens have draft picks
dfosterf (13h) : Good luck to him.
Zero2Cool (14h) : Eric Stokes signs with Raiders
Martha Careful (15h) : Tyler Linderbaum C
Mucky Tundra (15h) : Cap space?
Zero2Cool (15h) : Do Ravens have anything we'd even entertain to have?
Mucky Tundra (18h) : I've seen trade ideas of Jaire going to the Ravens all offseason
beast (19h) : A probably false rumor is suggesting CB Jaire Alexander is being traded to the Ravens, again probably false
beast (19h) : Commanders might have a dominant offense the next 3 years at least
Zero2Cool (20h) : San Francisco 49ers announced they have released DL Leonard Floyd.
Mucky Tundra (22h) : Er getting traded twice like that
Mucky Tundra (22h) : Huh, LT Laremy Tunsil traded from Houston to Washington. Never heard of a top OT getting traded in his career like that
Martha Careful (11-Mar) : Minnesota Vikings cornerback Byron Murphy Jr. is returning on a three-year, $66 million deal
Zero2Cool (11-Mar) : Damn
Martha Careful (11-Mar) : Saints are re-signing DE Chase Young to a three-year, $51 million deal worth up to $57 million.
Martha Careful (11-Mar) : 49ers releasing FB Juszcyk any interest?
Zero2Cool (11-Mar) : digits of four
Zero2Cool (11-Mar) : four digits
Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : Eh, don't think so. better to split
Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : on new site, would Fan Shout and GameDay Chat show same messages?
Mucky Tundra (10-Mar) : The Hall of Fame stuff probably came from a scout as Zero said; at this point though it's hard to see them moving ZT from RT
Mucky Tundra (10-Mar) : Regarding ZT at C, Gute had said he felt C was ZTs best position after he was drafted.
Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : LB Oren Burks to sign a 2-year, $5M deal with the Bengals.
Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : Based on how it was worded at the time, probably scout.
beast (10-Mar) : I don't think the media person ever told the public the source, but Gute or LaFleur did say they thought Tom has earned his spot at OT
beast (10-Mar) : I think it was supposedly unnamed Packers source
buckeyepackfan (10-Mar) : Was that Gute or Lefleur or someone else?
buckeyepackfan (10-Mar) : Zach Tom could be a really good guard, an all pro tackle, but probably be a HOF Center. Who said that?
Zero2Cool (10-Mar) : It's March 10th. I don't think anything is done.
Martha Careful (10-Mar) : if we think CB is done, we have a poor roster
Mucky Tundra (10-Mar) : CB and OG in FA, narrows down the top of the draft board a little
Martha Careful (10-Mar) : Meh....I hope we can get Ward 49ers or Murphy Vikings
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Friday, Sep 6 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Sep 15 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 22 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Jan 5 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Jan 12 @ 3:30 PM
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