This team has no weapons on the passing game. The line is letting Aaron get pressure quickly.
There is a huge difference between having a filler man and having a weapon. Jordy nelson is a weapon. Most QBs to find sucess need 2 weapons and even then they can mess it up. Aaron, on the other hand, manages to barely make plays with 0 weapons amd all filler men who cant get a y seperation.
Our offensive line was one of the best, now one of the worst. It is due to injuries and inconsistancies. An offensive line is a team, and a team needed continuity.
Now Aaron hasnt been perfect but he truly is just a man. He feels he has to overthink to make this offensve work at all. Consider this... he still rarely turns the ball over but thats because he has 0 weapons. Now look at brock oswiler for the broncos today. 4 weapons and 5 turnovers... Because he didnt think enough.
Originally Posted by: The_Green_Ninja
3rd and 2 at 11; 2:48 1st Q. Please EDUCATE YOURSELF [Our OL has SUCKED for all but one year; our weapons have been average at best. Our best WR, Jennings, independently proved how good we was, didn't he]
A scripted play that was worked on NUMEROUS TIMES this week; A brilliant unstoppable play design; 10 guys executing perfectly; 1 QB not.
The play isolates 3 receivers on 1 LBs and 1 safety. Packers show play action right. the LBs move to packer's right. Q comes off left side 100% WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE open on a slant/cross w/ Jones.
Rich Rodgers takes CB on Packer's right deep and Kuhn goes out in flat; if LB takes Kuhn, the Jones is WIIIIIIIIIIIDE open in middle; if LB takes Jones; Kuhn is open in flat.
Two guys go to cover Kuhn; leaving Jones and Q WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE open. Rodgers with no pressure throws a rather shitty pass to Kuhn.
It is the play of a moron at QB. 2 guys WIIIIIIIDE open and he throws to the guy with 2 covering him. The guy has simply lost the ability to play QB.
So Ninja, you're entitled to a working sphincter AND your very generalized opinions; but the later is just WRONG!
If it was a rookie, we'd say he not very good at seeing the field. But, why suddenly can't AR execute this very easy and well-rehearsed play? It sure as hell seems like it's on purpose and to a degree it is. AR is trying to prove that MM's offense is no good and subconsciously he wants it to fail; so we see the aforementioned crap. Consequently, when we're so far behind we gotta go all Mike Martz/pass every play; suddenly AR executes better because his subconscious wants to succeed. But Rodgers is not been very good in those life or death situations; so of course most of his comebacks fail.
Or maybe Nerd is right; I think AR is the kind of asshole that could get mad at something and purposefully throw a game; I think that evil lurks within him. But for now, I'll give him credit for throwing the game "subconsciously."