Good coaches are good teachers and motivators. Player talent doesn't mean squat if the coaches can't put them in position to succeed. I don't see why general managers get so much praise for players who do well. All players have athletic talent and skills. Coaches bring it out in them.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
100% true!
Actually the difference in talent between players, outside of a few outliers, is not that great.
The 2 things that separates the good coaches from bad are:
1. The ability to create a culture that emphasizes team play, enhances cerebral aspects of the game, creates trust and conducts their business like men both on and off the field. Guys have to eat right, sleep right, stretch right, hydrate, workout, not get stupid, etc on their own 24/7/365 to prevent injuries, to be available and to be available at peak physical shape.
2. With limited practice time, the ability to max reps by practicing at a fast and efficient pace and properly delegate reps between starters , back-ups and developing youngsters is paramount.
MM is great at both.
All coaches are good at the x & o's; but McCarthy preparing this team to go into Seattle was one of the greatest coaching performances I've ever seen. EVERY TEAM up by 12 that INTs w/ 4 min to go, or the equivalent in any sporting event, will let down...EVERY TEAM. It's just that usually the other team lets down too; the team ahead makes 1-2 good plays and/or the comeback simply falls short; so no one gives the let down a second thought.