That's true, Texas. We as humans have a hard time accepting that people that have done evil things can in fact get saved.
But the judging is up to God, not man.
If you read the Bible, you can see instances of that very thing, where someone persecuted Christians, even killing them, and then asking Jesus into their hearts.
Sin is sin, and even ONE sin seperates us from God. No one is perfect, or even CAN be perfect while we are on the earth.
There is only one way for salvation, and it's very clear in the Bible what that way is.
I have people try to pick me apart in things I do, just so they can say "YOU call yourself a CHRISTIAN?" Some people purposely look for any fault they can find in you, so that they can feel self righteous.
I say, "Christians arn't perfect, just forgiven."
When I tried to explain that very fact to my brother, he said to me "If you say you KNOW you are saved, then you are saying you think you are BETTER then me!" I told him, I am NO better then you, and I deserve HELL. The only difference between you and me is that I accepted Christ's death on the cross to cover my sins. YOU can have the free gift from God too! All you have to do is accept it for yourself! Then YOU can know you will be in heaven too!
He died at age 43 back in 1994.
I don't know if he ever took what I said to heart or not.
I hope he did. It hurts me to think otherwise.
Also, I believe baptism is an outward sign to the world that you have died to self, been buried (that's where the dunking under water comes in) and been reborn as a new creature in Christ.
I don't believe it is necessary for salvation, but should be done in obedience to God.
I mean, if someone accepted Jesus, and didn't have a chance to get baptised before they died, I don't believe God would not accept that person into heaven because of it.
Not getting baptised on purpose might make you have to answer as to why you didn;t do it when you are face to face with God.
We are to do it as an act of obedience. That's one of the "store your treasures in Heaven" things. Doing what God tells you to do when He tells you to do it. I believe you will get you crowns for doing the things you are supposed to do when He tells you to, and will have to answer for the things you did not do.