Frank (ChiBerzz 2.0)
Less than 1 minute ago
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"I'm off to see my creator"
You are going to see your mom?
Outstanding Comeback! What you replied really did make me Laugh Out Loud :)
But I'm gunna guess you know what I meant.
I wasn't joking about this, my cardiac guy and I had a heart to heart (No pun Intended), and best case scenario with my heart's present condition, ten years is a realistic run to expect. I'm neither being darkly dramatic, or overly "religious" with what I'm about to say.
I'm just not afraid of this diagnosis. I know where I'm headed....
I'm good with a decade of life left. (And if at any time, any of you maniacs want to discuss privately getting on board with "Team Christ", and want to firm up you final destination living place email me privately @ Bggrzzzz@gmail or call me at (715) 207-0249 and I'll fill you in on the info) I'm just sayin' š I remember Bill Adler's plight, and that whole story is still very much alive in my memory how sudden he left us and the NFFL.
I still miss Wild Bill and I still pray for Him and his family.
I just am going to try to make those ten years mean something to everyone while I still have time left to effect some modicum of difference in the lives of those around me.
Now, that being said, I'm on to Gary's questions and observations...
No Gary, April, my wife, is not a Packer backer. As a matter of fact she doesn't like football of any kind, which is just how I like it.
I have never lived any part of my life with a woman who liked football. It's so much easier having a spouse who is not a football fan, trust me.
As far as the respect thing, well "Uncle Gar" you'll get over it. I just can't take Bears management anymore, and Cutler is Jeff George reincarnated. He piles up personal stats but NEVER get's his teams to the "promised land".
That brings me to Aaron Rodgers. I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I really like and respect that guy. He's just a Good, genuine guy.
And one last thing, I believe He is the best Packer quarterback I have ever seen play in Green bay. That includes "Saint Bart the 15th" and "The Gunslinger #4", If for no other reason than that that is why I plan to Cheer the Team in GB, for the duration of my days on earth.
So I'll close this reply by saying that I hope all of you In our NFFL Fantasy league, yes even The Donkeyboy" my arch enemy š, have a great and blessed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year and know that I love all of you, especially the Founding fathers of the NFFL.
Thanks to all of you for being my friends,
Carry on Men!
God Bless, everyone!
"Packer Frank"