You're the type who couldn't care less about the quality of the site as long as you're still able to stir the pot and run away. We have no use for this type of person.
No one given this reason for why they choose to not post or visit the site.
This doesn't even make sense. No one is going to be suspended because they challenged someone else's opinion while not attacking the opinion author. We have ALWAYS wanted opinions to be CHALLENGED!
Huh? This more fabricated BS that has no substance to support it. You're being a drama generator, quit it or go away.
Repeating the same BS made up agenda over and over does not make it true.
As has been said numerous times. We want you to come hard with your points, come diligent with your opinions, come strong with your debate and avoid reaching the level of personal attacks.
This concept is NOT that difficult. If just the few of you pull your head out of your asses you'd realize your PRIVILEGE of voicing your opinion about a SUBJECT is not infringed.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
Wow... pretty incredible reply. I couldn't care less about the quality of the site? Unreal... this site is not for smart fans. It is mostly for simplistic homers to feel like they're part of something. If you consider that "quality control"... Boy.
When I'm flogged by a guy like Buck that just takes the cake. A dyed in the wool homer for his Buckeyes and Packers. Zero objectivity. None. That guy uses this forum to say I don't know football. You talk about a delusional post. That guy has been personal with me over and over. However, he's a homer and one of the good ol' boys so he gets his pass. Meanwhile, I type a sincere post regarding my feeling on this site and I'm told to just go away? I shouldn't need the invitation. Not sure why I'm here in the first place. The mindset is well established here.
Some guy who used to think he was a zero but got himself together and now feels cool based on external factors that simply don't matter telling me how privileged I truly am? The source is uninspiring. Your ego shouldn't be enlarged due to the creation of a board that talks about a game on a TV. People tend to really lose their identity when it comes to such things and find it in a place like this.
This board will be a brilliant place when smart fans like Play2win, Starr2Max, and Buck get to post their homeristic based in non-reality fantasies and it attracts more of the same element. All those wonderful mindless one line rah rah posts.
Not a place for me. I don't know football (thanks, buck) but I do know where this board is heading or wants to go and it's a destination I won't be arriving at with you.
Thank you for the "privilege". Don't know what I'll do now...there's only untold numbers of outlets like this one.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."