"Clean Sheets Cletus" was my fantasy team name for a few years. Why? I liked the goofy avatar of Cletus from the Simpsons. Plus, it just sounded ridiculous and rolled off the tongue easily. I change it up all the time, now...
I've been "Heads to Tow"... "Cheeze Wizards"..."Mason Jar Bounty" (after bounty scandal in NFL)... "Wonder Pet Project" as an ode to my kids who loved the show back then.
Now, I'm "Tinfoil Helmet"...a play off of "Tinfoil Hat". A shout out to the warden from Shawshank... "It's a conspiracy" and the Hanson Brothers from Slapshot... "Puttin' on the foil". I like to be able to match avatars to the team name.
Oh, and I can't forget a team I've loosely co-owned called, BROTHER FROM ANOTHER MOTHER...my childhood neighborhood friend and I do it together. Friends for 40 years and we're definitely brothers from another mother. He's a big Packers fan as well.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."