Seeing the thread by go.pack.go made me think of this.
Let's start a thread to help other members out.
If you can help with computer issues, state it.
If you can help with sig development, state it.
If you can help with the chat, state it.
Zero2Cool - ok maybe bad idea lol
Pack93z - Signature development
Go.Pack.Go - Avatar Resizing
Then we'll compile this into a thread with a clickable link to said member for a PM to help out.
Also, we'll add some parameters here too so people don't get abused or what have you.
This is just an idea I just had and wanted to document it before the ADD kicked in and it was gone.
But, please do if you have a special area in which you are knowledgeable and are WILLING to try and help others, please, let us know so we can all help each other out.