There IS politics involved in these matters. If you own a home, chances are that you want to maintain your yard. Let's say you have a 1/2 acre lot. You need a mower, a trimmer, and an edger. Typical example?
Thanks to the ethanhol in the fuel, were you to leave these items untreated, they are good to start "For sure" 30 days.
30 days.
Bought a gas can lately?
You need a tutorial on how to get the gas out of it.
You need a stabilizer in your fuel to eliminate the threat of the ethanhol, without exception. Don't do it, don't wonder why your equipment will not start.
The people that rely upon this equipment to make a living have been bitching about the mandates for ethanol since it's inception. Unfortunately for them, they are actual working persons not protected by some class that you PC'ers like to invent.
Originally Posted by: dfosterf