A storm came through last night and knocked out the power for about 12 hours. You don't realize how everything is based on those little electrons.
Last night I had to run back down tot he office to make a payment for a client. (Flood insurance and the creek was rising.) I reached to turn the light on. Caught myself in time.
I had to unhook the garage door from the opener and lift it manually. I was glad I don't still have the heavy wooden door.
When I got to the office I was glad that I took a flashlight with me in order to find the file I needed. I almost left it at home for my wife. Yes we had other for her to use while I was gone.
I had to call my brother in another town with the info and walk him through the process on my cell phone. I wondered when I would lose power on my phone.
This morning as I was leaving I started to reach for the garage door button. I caught myself in time.
We have a lift pump for the septic as we have to be very careful not to use too much water and have the pit overflow.
We have a sump pump and I was worried if it was going to overflow. It has several times int he past when we didn't have power. I keep telling myself to buy a generator for the sump pit and the septic pit. I don't know why I haven't. I plan to do that this week!
Last night we have no tv, no internet, no lights. My wife had her nook so she read and played games. I didn’t want to drain my laptop so I after I returned home from the office I finished up a project and headed to bed. It was still muggy so it was a little uncomfortable to sleep.
We are so spoiled these days.