At about 8:30pm, I got together with a big group of friends and had a potluck/black tie dinner at a big church.

From there, chatted with a friend until my wifey got there (she had to work). Got our New Years picture taken.

(Yes, I wore a purple tie for a reason..)
Then changed and went to the gymnasium and played some volley ball until about 3 minutes to midnight. Then ran over to the 50 person theatre in the church to watch the ball drop. Capped off the night with a slide show of said group of friends from the past 2 or 3 years.
I love New Years with that group. Because none of us drink, we all remember what happened and all the fun times. 😃 Besides, I don't need to get drunk in order to make a fool of myself.
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!