10 years ago

I just read this entire thread. I'm actually surprised texaspackerbacker thinks things are so great in the US of A.

Perhaps, that's because he's at the tail end of his time here on earth and doesn't see that the world that he knew growing up is gone.

When I was growing up, I'm mid 40's, mom didn't have to work. Mom was able to stay home and take care of the family and home. How realistic is that today for most families? Maybe, for you who, perhaps, bought homes and resold them making a killing each and every time.

One of the great wealth creating tools is not available any longer. I bought my home at a bargain basement rate 8 years ago, and it's worth less than that, today.

The dollar used to be the gold standard. For goodness sakes, now we have "berkshares' and "bit coin"... and you think there is nothing wrong?

Kids are bringing guns and weapons to school at alarming rates.

Politicians are sold out to special interests more than at any time in history.

The debt ceiling is about to have a nuclear sized hole blown in it.

Health care is a literal joke. I'll pay the penalty, thank you. How nice that I have to. Paying monthly premiums for insurance is like paying a 2nd mortgage. How sweet it is! USA!...USA!...USA!

We have immoral leaders like that's what we're gunning for. We've got guys having gay sex in airport bathrooms. President's sticking cigars in interns snatches and saying, "Taste's great."

Have you listened to the music of today's youth? Have you turned on a TV and seen the utter moral decay of this nation? It's truly appalling what is allowed over network TV these days.

Big pharma and our lovely healthcare system is peddling drugs to every man woman and CHILD it can possibly peddle to looking to hook you on any and all medications for the duration of your existence.

The middle class? There is no such thing anymore. There are haves and have nots. What a wonderful life having both parents work and having kids raised by daycares. Just like it was drawn up?

I know you're well beyond your working years but where are the jobs today? If you are lucky enough to have an actual good one what are they taking from you in quality of life?

Any nation that requires and pushes it's working able to the point where they really have no life and gives away free money to free loaders is not a great country. So many are so sick of working long hours only to see that those who don't work at all actually have it better than they do. Crank up that Star Spangled Banner and hold hands. It's just lovely.

I don't think there's a politician alive in this country that really cares about this country or would put the needs of others before their own.

You're so lucky, Texas, that you're at the end of your run. You will likely die with the delusions that the red, white and blue is as strong as it was when you were a wee lad. If you could only go back in time and start all over again where mom and dad are both out busting it and you never see them. What we've done to children in this country is a travesty. A godless, mindless, spineless generation that seeks only for itself. The egocentric view is not one that will produce a better world for the next generation. I'm disappointed in myself for bringing kids into this world. I wanted them so dearly...it was my goal in life. To put them in this "great" country was one of my most selfish acts.

How can you sit where you do, just because it's good for you, and not realize that it is NOT that way for the masses. You are no better than the politician who is totally out of touch with the reality of those he/she is supposedly representing. Elitist.

FYI, I've had it pretty good for most of my life. However, that doesn't leave me blissfully unaware to the plight of many.

We are just as big of a problem as the politicians for we are them. We would do what they do if we were in their shoes. I look at sports... when I was a kid it was no issue going to any sporting event I wanted to go to. Now, today, it's gotten ridiculous. A friend of mine got his two ticket allotment letter for this year's All Star Game...800 will get you in. We've deified sports athletes. It's sick, really. We've created this monster but at least it's good some of us realize it's time to slay that dragon.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

uffda, I appreciate the fact that you take an interest. That's a major positive, and there are a helluva lot who kinda tune out to essential national and world affairs i.e. politics. While I agree with elements of what you wrote, a lot of what you say indicates a pretty thorough brainwashing. I will try to respond point by point, even if out of order.

Your post didn't give any clear indication whether you come by your negativity about America from the Obama-esque left or the Ron/Rand Paul variety of America-hate. Either way, I have to ask, are you a product of the syndrome where you yourself don't have any problems, you don't even know anybody with problems, but you're just sure there MUST be people out there suffering hahahaha.

Regarding, age/death/etc., I may be 67, but I'm the youngest 67 you will ever see. I plan to live to twice the age I am now hahahaha. I always said, anybody who calls me old better be able to beat me at tennis. I've got a beautiful 28 year old wife; I just bought a house - that aspect of the American dream is indeed still alive. Monthly payments are more affordable than anytime when I was in the real estate business ('80-'96). The crash of the housing market didn't just happen; It was the direct result of the sub-prime crisis, which was a direct result of left wing social engineering - specifically, forcing mortgage companies to approve people who would have otherwise been unqualified for a mortgage. Then when they predictably defaulted in huge numbers, a lot of those mortgage companies went under kinda like a chain of dominoes.

About your mom not working, You're lucky if the libs don't call you a chauvinist Pig hahahaha. I'm pretty sure the great majority of women work because of they CHOOSE to.

Health care: Clearly, the leftists rammed it through without the approval of the masses. And just as clearly, the '14 and '16 elections will make Obamacare a thing of the past. What if anything replaces it is anybody's guess. Your jaded view of "big pharma" etc. "trying to hook" people is wrong on several levels. Aside from the obvious fact that corporations are people too, and highly unlikely to deliberately do harm, You have the fact that doing that would be very bad for business.

No middle class? I would suggest there is no "lower class" - virtually no obviously poor people at all these days. Have you been to the inner cities or the Appalachia-type rural areas of the country? Basically, the way it was a generation or two ago simply doesn't exist. People there have a higher comfort level and standard of living that what used to be the middle class back in the day. I know of what I speak, having been raised in that type of middle class household.

The portion of your post that was the most accurate was the erosion of the cultural/moral/social aspects of our society. Hell yeah, a lot of that is as bad as you say, but who or what is to blame for that? I would argue that the left and their ramming through of a whole array of degeneracy promotion - drugs, homosexuality, gang violence, etc. - as you say, just listen to the music and watch the content of TV and movies. Here too, however, I have to ask, how much does all that crap really affect YOU? It certainly doesn't do me any harm - here again, it's that syndrome - it simply MUST be messing up SOMEBODY's life.

The debt ceiling? You said you read the whole thread, so I think you must know what I have to say about that hahahaha no harm, no foul, in fact a trend what can, should, and WILL continue.

Yes, I absolutely do see a very bright future for America - and because of that, for the civilized - non-Muslim - portion of the world, and I intend to continue to enjoy it for a long long time.

Oh yeah, overpaid athletes/overpriced tickets: I suppose I'm against it, but certainly not enough to sic the damn government on the problem. Do you want to see freedom abridged that way? Anyway, the stadiums are fuller than ever before, indicating that according to the law of supply and demand, people are generally not having too much problem affording it.

Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
uffda udfa
10 years ago
It's ironic that you feel I'm brainwashed. Huh? How am I brainwashed... and you aren't?

Everyone has a belief... but where does that belief come from? Some of my beliefs are predicated on things I've read that I truly don't know if they're true, or not, but I believe them while others are based off my own personal feelings that have nothing to do with what I've read in direct correlation. You would like to pigeon hole me into a "this side" or "that side" so you know how to attack...but, sadly, there is no this side or that side with me.

There is little I'm more passionate about than the evils of big pharma. Brainwashed? There is a pill for every sniffle today. The goal is profit, not your personal health. Hooking you as early as possible is the goal. All these child issues that weren't around 40 years ago that now need to be over medicated does who what good? Cha ching. Profits wrack up for the drug companies. Patents come from taking that which is in nature and synthesizing it so you can profit off it. Please, tell me where I'm wrong? There are plants out there that so much better for you without the used car salesman disclaimer at the end of the advertisement about how it may even kill you. I would say you have an ostrich like quality when it comes to the evil of the drug companies and the USA. Monsanto is the literal devil to me. Isn't it wonderful to walk around in a world filled with people chock full of anti depressants that are nothing but robots? Yup, just as God intended. A drugged up society.

No party does what is best for others and if it appears to do so, it is only in an attempt to rally voters to make sure they're able to continue sucking off the golden goose.

The world is a better place because interest rates have tanked because this country is on life support? Hey, I admit I love the fact I have a mortgage at 3 some percent when it was 7 well over a decade ago.

It's wonderful that gas is almost 3 times what it was while wages have barely increased at all. People get negative raises year after year now. Keeping your same pay of 5 years ago vs. the inflation of goods and services leaves you poorer and poorer.

Don't misunderstand me... I've been up and down in life and have been content in whatever phase I'm in. It all ends for all of us and none of it's going with. My goal has never been wealth. I feel for those who have made that their God. Apparently, it would seem that wealth is high on your list of what defines what a good life is all about.

Based on personal info you've shared you strike me as the type who doesn't think too deeply as to why things are as they are just that they seem good for you and that's all that matters. You seem to have extrapolated your lack of true consideration of things and projected that pollyanna view on to how everyone SHOULD think of this country.

I hesitate in doing this as it will smack of being mean and hurtful and that is not my way, but I have to ask it because I think it gets at the heart of where you come from on things. I will ask permission of you to ask you a deeply personal question that will come off as mean spirited. May I ask you something deeply personal regarding your current situation?

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

10 years ago

It's ironic that you feel I'm brainwashed. Huh? How am I brainwashed... and you aren't?

Everyone has a belief... but where does that belief come from? Some of my beliefs are predicated on things I've read that I truly don't know if they're true, or not, but I believe them while others are based off my own personal feelings that have nothing to do with what I've read in direct correlation. You would like to pigeon hole me into a "this side" or "that side" so you know how to attack...but, sadly, there is no this side or that side with me.

There is little I'm more passionate about than the evils of big pharma. Brainwashed? There is a pill for every sniffle today. The goal is profit, not your personal health. Hooking you as early as possible is the goal. All these child issues that weren't around 40 years ago that now need to be over medicated does who what good? Cha ching. Profits wrack up for the drug companies. Patents come from taking that which is in nature and synthesizing it so you can profit off it. Please, tell me where I'm wrong? There are plants out there that so much better for you without the used car salesman disclaimer at the end of the advertisement about how it may even kill you. I would say you have an ostrich like quality when it comes to the evil of the drug companies and the USA. Monsanto is the literal devil to me. Isn't it wonderful to walk around in a world filled with people chock full of anti depressants that are nothing but robots? Yup, just as God intended. A drugged up society.

No party does what is best for others and if it appears to do so, it is only in an attempt to rally voters to make sure they're able to continue sucking off the golden goose.

The world is a better place because interest rates have tanked because this country is on life support? Hey, I admit I love the fact I have a mortgage at 3 some percent when it was 7 well over a decade ago.

It's wonderful that gas is almost 3 times what it was while wages have barely increased at all. People get negative raises year after year now. Keeping your same pay of 5 years ago vs. the inflation of goods and services leaves you poorer and poorer.

Don't misunderstand me... I've been up and down in life and have been content in whatever phase I'm in. It all ends for all of us and none of it's going with. My goal has never been wealth. I feel for those who have made that their God. Apparently, it would seem that wealth is high on your list of what defines what a good life is all about.

Based on personal info you've shared you strike me as the type who doesn't think too deeply as to why things are as they are just that they seem good for you and that's all that matters. You seem to have extrapolated your lack of true consideration of things and projected that pollyanna view on to how everyone SHOULD think of this country.

I hesitate in doing this as it will smack of being mean and hurtful and that is not my way, but I have to ask it because I think it gets at the heart of where you come from on things. I will ask permission of you to ask you a deeply personal question that will come off as mean spirited. May I ask you something deeply personal regarding your current situation?

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Ask away hahahaha. I'm an open book.

My first impression was that you were like several others in here, posting a bunch of weird generalities but never any details or specifics. I will yield to your expertise regarding prescription and/or otc drugs. All I can say is this IMO is a very very minor aspect of the big picture, and most importantly, nobody is forced to take any of that stuff. If people fall prey to slick marketing campaigns, well, I suppose that's bad, but I sure can't feel too sorry for them, not taking any of that shit myself. I don't even know what you mean by "child issues". Could you elaborate?

You also came through with some specifics on the economy, unlike most of the other detractors of America in here. You are factually wrong, however, about inflation in general as well as specific items like gasoline increasing faster than average income. You are also wrong about the economy being "on life support". Debt financing, as my posts have explained in great detail, is a healthy thing. The American economy in general is thriving. The left wants higher taxes, and thus promotes a bogus picture of weakness. Elements of the right do the same because it suits their agenda of spending cuts. The fact is, however, things are just fine.

This pollyanna thing you refer to, don't you think the reason why such a huge majority are of that viewpoint is because that's what their own eyes and ears tell them? No problems of their own; No problems in others they have knowledge of? You and several others in here, for some odd reason, refuse to believe what is all around you to see - the freedom, the happiness, the security of life in this country. That is inexplicable to me. The reason I call it "brainwashing" is it goes so counter to the facts and items that are so easily observable.
Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
uffda udfa
10 years ago
I would ask that you do what you ask others to do... give specifics. You say that I'm "factually wrong" on the economy yet provide no specific evidence to the contrary. Here's what I know...neither you or I know all the workings of this thing they call the US economy. It is an impossible monster to get a full handle on even for those who spend all day every day locked in a think tank on the subject. Please, show me that gasoline has not risen faster than income...you stated I was factually wrong...would like to see the "evidence". It's common sense. If gas has tripled in x amount of years are you telling me income has tripled in the same x amount of years? C'mon, man.

As for the drug companies, which you initially told me I was wrong about but now you say you don't really know... children are being diagnosed ADD, ADHD, PDD, there are so many acronyms it's dizzying. There are specific drug regimens for each of these off shoots of these acronyms. It's sickening. Some of these kids are put on these meds as early as age 3. AGE FREAKING 3 and will remain on them potentially for the rest of their lives. You keep saying you are unaffected by such things? Lucky you... great thing you didn't have a child at Va Tech where that crazy shot the school up. In almost every single case, these crazies that shoot up places are on some kind of medicine. To say that they would be worse if they weren't on them is what is funny. These meds create as many issues as they solve. People with mental health issues often have their meds changed or tweaked and it creates all kinds of insane behaviors. Alas, that is not your issue because you have been fortunate not to have experienced anything negative due to it.

Now, to my question and my point from earlier... This is really tough for me to type... You say you are 67 with a 28 year old wife? In what world does this even remotely compute if not for the gold digger aspect? It doesn't. Your financial status has insulated you from reality. 28 year old females are not seeking men close to 70...that is a fact UNLESS they're a potential sugar daddy. So because you've been fortunate to be affluent you've tapped into a situation that should not be available to you but because it is you deem that the world is wonderful. How or where does actual real deep and meaningful love flow from a relationship built on one party seeking the other for financial reasons? I look at Donald Sterling and his gold digging GF that caused all this stir in the NBA with these recordings. How is your relationship any different than his. Isn't she with him for similar reasons your 28 year old is with you? What if you didn't have the resources you have? Would your life be so wonderful as you seem to view it now? Could your world be wonderful and this country be wonderful outside of your personal affluence? Here's how I view your view... Let's say the Packers are playing the NFC Championship game and we have some guy on this board bragging to all of us that he has 50 yard line seats 10 rows up. To him his world is wonderful...he's on the 50 for Green Bay vs. Seattle for the right to go to the SuperBowl. Meanwhile, down in Texas, you're set to watch the game on TV. There's a massive power outage, your generator is broken, and you can't see it. How is your world during that time? The guy on the 50 isn't thinking of you one bit all he knows is he's got it grand but you aren't going to get to see the game at all. A few hours later the power comes back on but the game is over...you missed it. Now, you see all these folks posting about how incredible it was watching Hayward take a pick 6 back in OT and the Packers are headed to the SuperBowl. Most of us are in a state of aww and wonder for what we witnessed but you are all kinds of upset because you weren't afforded the same opportunity. Do you think it's right for those who saw the game to be going on and on about how wonderful it was and to tell you that you shouldn't think it was anything but wonderful because you not being able to see the game doesn't affect them? I really can't stand that mentality you possess that if it doesn't directly affect you then it's okay. Donald Sterling's comments don't affect you personally so it's okay...the murderous rampages in Syria don't affect you so it's okay. The tornadoes hammering the deep south don't affect you so it's okay. There is a big world out there where things aren't okay. There are millions who won't eat a thing today or have a roof over their heads and this goes on in the USA but you expect everyone to think it's a grand ole country because YOU have it good. That is pitiful really. Egocentric to the hilt. Very, very disappointing.

I can say that I understand some of what you say... We could be living in a 3rd world country...we aren't. Hooray for us. However, to say that things are wonderful here while it's changing for the worst all the time is misguided at best on your part. I do not live in the world I lived in 30 years ago...that was a better world.

Tomorrow, you could be stricken with a rare form of a disease for which there is no cure here in America. There may be a cure in some other country but not here and you're too sick to board a plane to get the treatment you need abroad. Is it still wonderful for you now?

Have you always thought it was wonderful here in America? Perhaps, you were born a silver spooner? I'd be curious to know your background. I do apologize for the 67/28 thing...I'm not real proud of typing it as it could be hurtful to you.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

10 years ago

It's ironic that you feel I'm brainwashed. Huh? How am I brainwashed... and you aren't?

Everyone has a belief... but where does that belief come from? Some of my beliefs are predicated on things I've read that I truly don't know if they're true, or not, but I believe them while others are based off my own personal feelings that have nothing to do with what I've read in direct correlation. You would like to pigeon hole me into a "this side" or "that side" so you know how to attack...but, sadly, there is no this side or that side with me.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Tex has some weird fetish and undeniable desire to apply labels to everyone and everything. He will then apply silly generalizations based on his pre-conceived notion of said label. It's pretty silly and sad to see someone falling for the divisive partisan game as much as he does, but what else do you expect. As far as I'm concerned, it's people like him that are one of the biggest problems in America today. Label, label, label . . . divide, divide, divide, and then villainize. Just what the politicians want. It allows the game to continue.

I understand labels have their place and are inevitable to some extent (I just did it myself). But it's way out of hand in modern-day politics (and life in general), imo. Life just isn't black and white, good or bad, etc. It's much more complicated than that.
  • Wade
  • Veteran Member
10 years ago
I will try to reply at length later, but this is an especially bad week here (I'm putting in Troy-type hours, averaging about 18-19 hours a day, 7 days a week), so I can't now.

I will only provoke things a little bit by saying, and I tell my students this quite frequently, that this is the best time in human history to be young, and despite all its current idiocies (in and out of Washington) this country is the best place to be.

The only time and place in human history that is remotely comparable to the US of the last 25 years and (IMO) the next fifty was industrial Britain between 1750 and 1875. And I mean remotely: unlike us, the British were starting from a place of amazing badness (poverty, life expectancy, nutrition, environmental quality for 90 percent of the population that a tiny, tiny fraction of Americans today approach (by tiny, I mean on the order of 10,000 or so in a country of 300 million). And, unlike that of the world we live in, the technological change at the heart of the British "economic revolution" took multiple generations to develop: going from Watt/Bolton's improved steam engine and widespread adoption of the open hearth steel-making process was well over a hundred years, or five generations of British workers. Today, however, the technological shifts of the information economy are changing at rate of close to five times per generation. And history shows that paradigmatic technological change, economic wealth, and human quality of life are tied together like Siamese triplets.

Oh this makes for lots of stress as more skills and knowledge sets become obsolete faster.

But even with our effed up government, even with our effed up senses of entitlement, even with our completely effed up education system, this country offers opportunities most of the world cannot.

Don't believe me? Well, take your attention away from what the know-nothing "thought leaders" from CNN, FoxNews, NPR, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Times, Newsweek, etc etc have been foisting up on you. Dig into the historical record. Look at how not just GDP, but life expectancy, human nutrition, medical care, childhood mortality rates, have been on a sustained upward trend that dwarfs ANY cyclical "downturns" during the lifetimes of anyone alive today. And that INCLUDES the "great recession" of 2007-2009 and, yes, it also includes the "Great Depression" of the 1930s.

Ignore the superficial mansions of the robber barons, and look closely at their quality of life of the top ten percent -- or the top one percent -- of the American population back during the era of Carnegie, Rockefeller. And you'll discover that it was a life that was more solitary, far more nasty, far more brutish, and a helluva lot shorter, than that of the bottom 10 percent of today's population living in South Texas, Appalachia, and Watts.

Shit, I wasn't going to go on, and here I've done so anyway.

I don't agree with Tex on why we are so rich and why the opportunities are so amazing today.

But it really bugs me when people tell me how rotten things are compared to 25 years ago or whatever. Because most people don't realize how recently it was that the "good old days" really sucked compared to today.

I was a young adult 25 years ago. I remember what it was like 45 years ago. And (enter condescending mode) I've studied professionally the economic life over the last 300 years or so.

And none of them were even close to the opportunities that Americans with their $7.65 minimum wage, their $3.50 loaves of whole wheat bread, their $30,000 hybrid cars, and their $150 for five minutes with a doctor have.

Not even close.

Yeah, 2007-2009 sucked the big one. Yeah, my life sucks (though in my case, its largely because I'm a serial fuck up). Yeah, its tough if you aren't educated or you're in a field that no one needs anymore.

But even with my fuck-up-ness, I'm far better off today and so are all of you and so are almost all Americans than my middle-class parents were 45 years ago. And the difference gets starker with every generation you go back.

And that's comparing to the past of the richest country in human history. Compare it to the rest of the world, and its history, and it should shame you that you're complaining about how poor you are compared to the disgustingly people who are even richer.

Go ahead. Keep complaining how much it sucks and how rough it is today if it makes you sleep better at night.

Go ahead and let those thought leaders and marketing bastards keep manipulating you into giving you more of your wealth in the name of soaking the rich and making life more fair and better like it used to be.

Go ahead.

Be wrong.

After all, being wrong is one part of the inalienable right of the pursuit of happiness you have and none of those thought leaders and marketing bastards won't even try to take away from you.

(Come to think of it, one of the great things about America is that you've always had few restrictions on how you go about fucking your own life up. I wonder if *that* is as well correlated with GDP growth as are growths in nutrition and life expectancy. Hmm.)

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
10 years ago

I would ask that you do what you ask others to do... give specifics. You say that I'm "factually wrong" on the economy yet provide no specific evidence to the contrary. Here's what I know...neither you or I know all the workings of this thing they call the US economy. It is an impossible monster to get a full handle on even for those who spend all day every day locked in a think tank on the subject. Please, show me that gasoline has not risen faster than income...you stated I was factually wrong...would like to see the "evidence". It's common sense. If gas has tripled in x amount of years are you telling me income has tripled in the same x amount of years? C'mon, man.

As for the drug companies, which you initially told me I was wrong about but now you say you don't really know... children are being diagnosed ADD, ADHD, PDD, there are so many acronyms it's dizzying. There are specific drug regimens for each of these off shoots of these acronyms. It's sickening. Some of these kids are put on these meds as early as age 3. AGE FREAKING 3 and will remain on them potentially for the rest of their lives. You keep saying you are unaffected by such things? Lucky you... great thing you didn't have a child at Va Tech where that crazy shot the school up. In almost every single case, these crazies that shoot up places are on some kind of medicine. To say that they would be worse if they weren't on them is what is funny. These meds create as many issues as they solve. People with mental health issues often have their meds changed or tweaked and it creates all kinds of insane behaviors. Alas, that is not your issue because you have been fortunate not to have experienced anything negative due to it.

Now, to my question and my point from earlier... This is really tough for me to type... You say you are 67 with a 28 year old wife? In what world does this even remotely compute if not for the gold digger aspect? It doesn't. Your financial status has insulated you from reality. 28 year old females are not seeking men close to 70...that is a fact UNLESS they're a potential sugar daddy. So because you've been fortunate to be affluent you've tapped into a situation that should not be available to you but because it is you deem that the world is wonderful. How or where does actual real deep and meaningful love flow from a relationship built on one party seeking the other for financial reasons? I look at Donald Sterling and his gold digging GF that caused all this stir in the NBA with these recordings. How is your relationship any different than his. Isn't she with him for similar reasons your 28 year old is with you? What if you didn't have the resources you have? Would your life be so wonderful as you seem to view it now? Could your world be wonderful and this country be wonderful outside of your personal affluence? Here's how I view your view... Let's say the Packers are playing the NFC Championship game and we have some guy on this board bragging to all of us that he has 50 yard line seats 10 rows up. To him his world is wonderful...he's on the 50 for Green Bay vs. Seattle for the right to go to the SuperBowl. Meanwhile, down in Texas, you're set to watch the game on TV. There's a massive power outage, your generator is broken, and you can't see it. How is your world during that time? The guy on the 50 isn't thinking of you one bit all he knows is he's got it grand but you aren't going to get to see the game at all. A few hours later the power comes back on but the game is over...you missed it. Now, you see all these folks posting about how incredible it was watching Hayward take a pick 6 back in OT and the Packers are headed to the SuperBowl. Most of us are in a state of aww and wonder for what we witnessed but you are all kinds of upset because you weren't afforded the same opportunity. Do you think it's right for those who saw the game to be going on and on about how wonderful it was and to tell you that you shouldn't think it was anything but wonderful because you not being able to see the game doesn't affect them? I really can't stand that mentality you possess that if it doesn't directly affect you then it's okay. Donald Sterling's comments don't affect you personally so it's okay...the murderous rampages in Syria don't affect you so it's okay. The tornadoes hammering the deep south don't affect you so it's okay. There is a big world out there where things aren't okay. There are millions who won't eat a thing today or have a roof over their heads and this goes on in the USA but you expect everyone to think it's a grand ole country because YOU have it good. That is pitiful really. Egocentric to the hilt. Very, very disappointing.

I can say that I understand some of what you say... We could be living in a 3rd world country...we aren't. Hooray for us. However, to say that things are wonderful here while it's changing for the worst all the time is misguided at best on your part. I do not live in the world I lived in 30 years ago...that was a better world.

Tomorrow, you could be stricken with a rare form of a disease for which there is no cure here in America. There may be a cure in some other country but not here and you're too sick to board a plane to get the treatment you need abroad. Is it still wonderful for you now?

Have you always thought it was wonderful here in America? Perhaps, you were born a silver spooner? I'd be curious to know your background. I do apologize for the 67/28 thing...I'm not real proud of typing it as it could be hurtful to you.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

uffda, I appreciate your long-windedness, I really do - just as I appreciate Wade's. It may actually take several posts - or one huge one to cover it all.

First of all, a couple of asides for other posts:

Wade, I know I have said over and over and over how GREAT life in America is, but I don't recall saying HOW or WHY we got that way. You said you disagree with me; What did I say on that HOW and WHY aspect that you disagree with? The reserve currency thing, etc. is a matter of continuing things, not getting to the top originally.

Dodd, on the topic of "labeling", what are you referring to specifically (examples)? I don't think I label individuals at all - Dakota (= idiot) being the exception, and a matter of counterpunching. I do occasionally lump a few posters into groups - you and the other 2 or 3 haters of specificity who preach so much disrespect and lack of appreciation for the magnificent life we all have in this country, but not to my recollection by namecalling, other than just describing your words and tactics.

uffda, I think I will answer your "mean" question in a PM. I don't want to disclose the details of my massive fortune, thereby bringing numerous other golddiggers out of the woodwork, offering their bodies for a chuck of my treasure hahahahahahaha.

On with the show:

When I was a kid in the fifties, my dad worked at a GM factory making Chevrolets, making just under $5,000 a year (my silver spoon hahahaha). We had a decent average working class "Leave It to Beaver"-type life. Gas when I was old enough to notice - mid-fifties - was mid to upper 20s cents per gallon. About 1974, I was in the army; Ford was president; The Israelis had just finished kicking ass in the '73 war against about 15 times as many Arabs. Gas went up to the upper 30s cents - Ford didn't have the balls to stand up to OPEC. Then came Carter, and things skyrocketed in a lot of categories - gas went to the low to mid 70s. As recently as the mid to late 90s, you still could rarely fine 99 cent gas, and the low $1+ was the norm. With 9/11 and the Gulf War(s), it rose significantly. I remember the day before Hurricane Katrina, it was $2.49 here - the next day, it was $2.99. However, things calmed down, refineries got back on line, and it actually decreased a little bit. I believe it was about $1.77 when Obama took office. Blame him and his policies, or just normal market conditions, but it now is about $3.48 here - damn near doubled. I expect it to go DOWN when the good guys get in office and take Congress, getting Keystone through and various other sane and sensible energy policies. Anyway, an autoworker makes in the neighborhood of $70,000 per year now (perhaps why there are not nearly so many of them hahahaha) - about 14 times what my dad made. Gas in the same 60 or so years has increased about 3.48/28 = 12.4 times - and a lot of that just since Obama. Is that specific enough for you hahahaha?

I have two perspectives on ADHD meds. One: my oldest grandson took them, and he went from being a naughty little brat to being a mostly A student with good behavior. He now is 20, not taking the meds by his own choice. He is a fairly responsible young adult, but you sure can see the signs occasionally of his condition even now. My other contact is as a 4th grade teacher for a couple of years, having a couple of nice well-mannered kids come to school a couple of times after the mom forgetting to give them the pills. OOOOOH! Conclusion: big pharma got that one right. My only health consideration at all is a bit of high blood pressure, kept very much in check by meds - I might survive without them, but who's gonna take that risk? no side effects, etc. - another plus for Big Pharma. I remember visiting big cities in my army years - the 70s - and seeing incredible numbers of bums - what my generation called homeless people - sleeping in alleys, etc. Almost all of them were mental patients not taking their meds. My brother, who used to work in a mental institution told me horror stories about the pre-effective drug days. Now, those people can live fairly normal lives. Your example about mass murderers? Wouldn't it be more correct to say they were OFF their meds than to say they were ON them? I hear so many of these weird (to me) commercials for prescription drugs on TV, often not even saying what they are for, and a list as long as your arm of side effects seemingly worse than the thing being treated, but you still need a doctor's prescription, and people can easily avoid that crap, and maybe some people actually benefit. The most immediate effect for me is they sponsor a lot of good shows on TV hahahaha. Enough details? Oh, and if it stays hard more than 4 hours, don't call a doctor, call a hot young nurse hahahaha - and NO, I don't - never needed to hahahaha.

As for the thing about a "cure" in some other country, I guess that could and maybe occasionally does happen, but who's to blame there? I would suggest, not Big Pharma - who would be delighted to get the treatment approved here, but the hyper-cautious FDA - and I don't have the expertise to say whether that caution is justified or not. As for non-drug treatments - homeopathic, I think they are called, they certainly are available. I think if I had something really bad, however, I would want to go straight to the big guns rather than mess around with herbs or whatever and let it get worse beyond repair.

It's been a pleasure sparring with you - a breath of fresh air after that not-missed ad hominem and diatribe of the poster you may or may not be familiar with that we all hope really means it this upteenth time he as threatened to stop posting.

Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
10 years ago

I will try to reply at length later, but this is an especially bad week here (I'm putting in Troy-type hours, averaging about 18-19 hours a day, 7 days a week), so I can't now.

Originally Posted by: Wade 

Hey now, there can be only one stud horse around here, and it's not the poetry teacher. [grin1]
uffda udfa
10 years ago
To Wade and Texas... Your opinion is your opinion. You are not the lens for which this question is answered nor am I. However, I think it is correct to say that not everyone has it so good as you seem to imply they do. Only each individual can answer this question. I DO NOT and WILL NOT ever think it's a better world, today, when I see two parents HAVING not CHOOSING to work leaving their kids to be raised by uninspired daycare workers. That is NOT better by any measure. The measure that the prosperity chasers cite is wealth and opportunity. That is but a fraction of quality of life. I feel sorry for you, Wade, that economics are your gauge for what constitutes greatness. Yes, it's part of it... it's the economy, stupid. Oh, James C. The soulless, self centered have nothing but the economy to hang their hat on. It defines life. How sad and I mean that truly but to each his own.

You will have the USA apologists as well as the USA denouncers. It falls where you think it falls. Texas and Wade are the dogmatic apologists who filter their opinions through economic angles.

This is not the America I grew up in. It may be better, in some ways, economically speaking, but it is a shadow of it's former self. The land of the free has turned to the land of the me. Tragic.

Texas...I just read your PM. Hmmm. Interesting.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

10 years ago

Taking the time to show up, and leaving ballots blank, to me would make a much bigger statement that we actually care. Especially if we would follow that up with recalls of those eligible to be recalled.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

I agree. The problem with not showing up is that they don't know why you didn't show up. Is it because you are a lazy ass fool who can't be bothered or is it because you are fed up with the system and trying to make a statement. Most of the time politicians will assume the former and nothing will change.

Its like not leaving a tip in a restaurant (ignore your opinions on tips for a moment that is not the point I am trying to make) Did you not leave a tip because the service was lousy or did you not leave a tip because you are a cheap bastard. The vast majority of the time the wait staff will assume the latter and nothing will change.

Its like boycotting a store that you used to frequent for whatever reason. Do you not shop there anymore because you are opposed to some change in the way they do business or do you not shop there anymore because you moved away. If you simply quit shopping there without specifically telling them why they will probably assume you moved away and nothing will change.

Granted my two examples are much more simple but taking the time to show up tells them that you are concerned and that you will take the time to vote for what is important to you. Not voting for any of them tells them you don't like the way any of them operate.

If you want change or expect change you have to be specific about what you want to change and who you expect to change it. If you aren't everyone will think you are referring to the other guy.

The bottom line is no one ever thinks they are doing anything wrong and if we think they are we need to tell them. If we don't they will go on assuming they aren't and nothing will change.

That last paragraph is in relation to affecting change in general and is in no way meant to endorse the opinions of ANYONE on this board whether they think change is needed or not. You may carry on.

Fan Shout
Mucky Tundra (1h) : Er getting traded twice like that
Mucky Tundra (1h) : Huh, LT Laremy Tunsil traded from Houston to Washington. Never heard of a top OT getting traded in his career like that
Martha Careful (11h) : Minnesota Vikings cornerback Byron Murphy Jr. is returning on a three-year, $66 million deal
Zero2Cool (14h) : Damn
Martha Careful (16h) : Saints are re-signing DE Chase Young to a three-year, $51 million deal worth up to $57 million.
Martha Careful (16h) : 49ers releasing FB Juszcyk any interest?
Zero2Cool (17h) : digits of four
Zero2Cool (17h) : four digits
Zero2Cool (18h) : Eh, don't think so. better to split
Zero2Cool (18h) : on new site, would Fan Shout and GameDay Chat show same messages?
Mucky Tundra (18h) : The Hall of Fame stuff probably came from a scout as Zero said; at this point though it's hard to see them moving ZT from RT
Mucky Tundra (18h) : Regarding ZT at C, Gute had said he felt C was ZTs best position after he was drafted.
Zero2Cool (19h) : LB Oren Burks to sign a 2-year, $5M deal with the Bengals.
Zero2Cool (19h) : Based on how it was worded at the time, probably scout.
beast (19h) : I don't think the media person ever told the public the source, but Gute or LaFleur did say they thought Tom has earned his spot at OT
beast (19h) : I think it was supposedly unnamed Packers source
buckeyepackfan (19h) : Was that Gute or Lefleur or someone else?
buckeyepackfan (20h) : Zach Tom could be a really good guard, an all pro tackle, but probably be a HOF Center. Who said that?
Zero2Cool (20h) : It's March 10th. I don't think anything is done.
Martha Careful (20h) : if we think CB is done, we have a poor roster
Mucky Tundra (20h) : CB and OG in FA, narrows down the top of the draft board a little
Martha Careful (21h) : Meh....I hope we can get Ward 49ers or Murphy Vikings
Zero2Cool (21h) : Yes
Martha Careful (21h) : did Nate Hobbs just sign with us CB Raiders?
Zero2Cool (21h) : Jets have agreed to terms with former Ravens CB Brandon Stephens
Zero2Cool (21h) : Aaron Banks’ PFF grade was 0.1 worse than Elgton Jenkins last year.
Zero2Cool (21h) : Muwahaha
Zero2Cool (21h) : Oh awesome! Nostrawrongus says 4th so SUPER BOWL ON TRACK!!
dhazer (22h) : to be honest the freee agent market isnt that great this year so I can handle a 500 yr or sub 500 is fine, i see us as 4th in division
dhazer (22h) : Hi Dave long time no see
Mucky Tundra (22h) : Slaton to the Begals=Guaranteed Big Boy in the first 3 rounds
Mucky Tundra (22h) : WE SIGNED SOMEONE!!!!!!1!
Zero2Cool (22h) : Former #Packers DT TJ Slaton headed to the #Bengals on a 2-year $15.1M deal.
Zero2Cool (22h) : 4-year $77M for Packers new guard Aaron Banks
Zero2Cool (22h) : OL Patrick Mekari to sign with the Jaguars.
Zero2Cool (22h) : oops
Zero2Cool (22h) : Josh Sweat to Cardinals
Martha Careful (22h) : Josh Sweat to the Arizona Cardinals.
Mucky Tundra (22h) : Surprises the Seahawks signed Darnold for that money
buckeyepackfan (22h) : Depends on what Kupp is igned for.
Martha Careful (22h) : The Bears are adding to their defensive line. Chicago is signing former Colts pass-rusher Dayo Odeyingbo to a three-year, $48 million deal
Zero2Cool (23h) : Free agent DT Poona Ford to the #Rams on a 3-year, $30M
dfosterf (23h) : Imo cooper kupp is pretty much stupid money spending
Zero2Cool (23h) : Dayo Odeyingbo to the Bears
Zero2Cool (23h) : oops
Zero2Cool (23h) : CB Darius Slay to sign with the Steelers
buckeyepackfan (23h) : Justin Fields to The Jets!
Martha Careful (23h) : Justin Field to the Jets
buckeyepackfan (23h) : Cooper Kupp! After all the stupid money is spent.
Zero2Cool (23h) : Colts are signing Vikings S Cam Bynum
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