What happened to me is that I was given a lot of time to sit in a hospital room and re-evaluate all the bull shit shoved down my throat by a group of people you still belong to. Turns out these people say they are Christians yet they hate gay people, minorities, want to control people's rights and I'm not having any part of it anymore. And I don't care what you think you know, beating down others "in the name of God's word" is bull shit! And I also believe these people are the antithesis of what Christ actually stood for. You don't wage war on poor and impoverished people because you're too cheap to pay your income taxes. Their ideology is absolutely ridiculous, and since you still subscribe to that line of thinking, I don't have a lot of faith in your judgment either.
I'm not going to argue this God/science shit with you guys because I don't know the answers, and guess what, none of you do either. But I'm a lot more inclined to believe what scientists teach us with facts versus dessert stories translated through the centuries by handwritten scrolls and human error.
Originally Posted by: DakotaT
Seems to me the most "hate" I see posted is by you.
You keep pointing out others faults but ignore
your own biased hatred or try to make out
yourself to be so much above everyone else.
You attack anyone that calls themselves "Christian" without considering each individual based on each
individual. You do the very thing you accuse
others of doing constantly. According to you, all
"Rich" people are "evil" (unless they are liberals
In which case you seem to give them an automatic
free pass).
Is it Mia being sick that made you hate God?
Fact is the good and bad get sick and we all will
die someday. I lost my Dad when I was 16, my Mom
when I was 33 and my only brother when
I was 36.
I myself have been sick since 1995.
I could blame God too. But man was given free
will and we are born into sin , like it or not.
The only reason I care about what you believe
is that I believe their is a life after death and
I don't want you spending eternity in Hell.
I care about YOU.
I gain NOTHING either way you decide
to believe. I don't say what I say for my own gain.
So you can hate me for my belief in God if you want. And for my concern about you.