What is a "good normal Christian"?
I am a Christian, and I don't hate gay
people or people that abort babies.
I DO however hate the fact that this country
legalized murdering unborn children.
Just because something is legal, that
doesn't make it right.
As I have said before, it was legal to kill
Jews in Germany during Hitler's rule.
Do any of you think it was right to do so?
And according to the Holy Bible, homosexuality
is sin. So if you believe that the Bible is
God's word, HE says it's wrong so I will
side with the one that created all of
Being a Christian does NOT mean you have
to treat every action as acceptable.
If it's wrong, it's wrong and is unacceptable.
God, unlike many people today, is not
concerned with being "politically correct".
He came to earth to die for our sins. And
the attitude today that "anything goes and
should be accepted" is not God's belief according
to His word.
You have to take a stand sometimes and
not compromise.
I find it interesting about the whole idea
of "rich people". What about Obama or the
Clinton's, and all the filthy rich Hollywood
stars? Why don't I see the same hatred thrown
at them?
Take George Clooney or Sean Penn's money
and divide it among the poor if you want
to be "fair".
I could name dozens of other rich liberals
and go on and on.
Fact is, there are good rich people and bad
rich people (same as with us poor people
like me).
To use that ONLY as your measuring stick
to judge who is good or bad is just plain
In the end NONE of us is sinless.