I am very adamant that if we raise our children better and educate them better, WE as a nation will be better.
I have a very analytical personality and am amused while observing trends and what not. Some of the things I've experienced have me scratching my head thinking, if I can see this, why isn't anyone else? Perhaps others are and they aren't doing anything about it?
I am not one of those people who speaks loudly and does nothing about it. I'm extremely proactive with the schools my girls attend to the point their principal's know me well. If they are doing something I disagree with, they will know about it. I went the rounds with teacher after teacher telling them how idiotic it was to allow social networking access on their schools network. And you know what, some of the teachers said they "needed" it. When I asked them how, I completely blasted their reasoning out of the water. I told them it was an unnecessary no reward distraction. Repeatedly I was told they are young adults and should have self discipline. Are you freaking kidding me? These kids are between 14-18 and you expect them to display self control that most twice their age fail to do?
I do agree with their premise that to trust someone you have to give them an opportunity to build that trust. However, as I said, there is no reward for allowing Facebook. Those little teenagers use Facebook for attention, and drama and it spirals out of control. It should be blocked, period.
The High School principal told me they have it blocked and I said about what about the secured connection (HTTPS). Yep, that's how kids were accessing it and he had NO DAMN CLUE. He thanked me for the heads up. Some teachers say they need Facebook. Okay, so be it. Create permission roles then. Admin, Teacher and Student on your network proxy. IT IS NOT DIFFICULT TO DO!!! Students have NO ACCESS to social networking whereas admin and teachers DO.
Teacher EvaluationAs for teachers. The whole grading system is GARBAGE! I do not like paying their health benefits and I feel teachers should be compensated more via their earned salary.
I do not agree with how the teachers are evaluated for wage compensation either. The better their students do grade wise, the better teacher they are presumed to be. I flipped a bird when Lydia's teachers, one after another told me they give her the answers and they give a pre-test that is actually the real test. This is NOT educating. This is NOT learning. This is giving them every opportunity to earn a HIGH grade, rather than encouraging them to LEARN the material.
GradingGrading should be done interdependently. Hey, there's a job market right there for ya. Teachers have NO incentive to grade hard on their students, none at all because if they have 20 students and 15 have D's or F's, it is assumed they are a bad teacher. Personally, I would rather my girls EARN a C and know the material very well than be given an A and be clueless. And do not think for a second this doesn't happen, it does!
School Duration School should also be year round. Kids aren't needed to tend to the family farm anymore so the summer break is unnecessary. Summer break fragments the educational system and serves no benefit. Start school on the 2nd Monday of January (Jan 13th) and end it the Friday (Nov 21st) before Thanksgiving. That gives teachers nearly two months to do grades and prepare for the following year while giving both teachers and students plenty of time off to celebrate the "Holiday Season" as well.
Personally, I also think (and this is admittedly unethical) we should have every kid medically blocked from having kids until a certain age. I believe and strongly feel one of the issues we have with children is that
children are trying to raise children.
If we raise our children better and they are more adequately educated, guess what happens. We become better from top to bottom.