I wouldn't... (unless it's clearly a great value AND you know he's going to make the team)
Do you really want to make your star and mental leader on the field have to be worrying about if he's brother is going to have a job or not tomorrow? I mean if he's on another team, he should be able to block it out no problem... but if he's right there in front of him, it's harder to block out...?
Rodgers would have to get used to having his brother around, then if he's cut have to get reused to not having him around?
Also MM has talked about he only likes 3 QBs in camp because there isn't enough passes to go around. And only 2 are a lock to make the roster... and the 3rd one might make it or might be cut, and if they're cut another team might claim them.
I see it as kind of asking for trouble.... unless you feel like good things will happen, like his brother will make the final 53 and be his future back-up (or current) back-up if he can beat two guys that already know the system.
I also think B.J. Coleman has all the physical skills but needed a lot of refinement. As many QBs have shown having all the physical Qbs doesn't make you a good QB, but the physical potential is there.
Ted drafted Jeremy Thompson, after his brother Orrin Thompson was on the team.
Originally Posted by: nerdmann
Jeremy showed potential and moved GREAT for a guy of his size, talent wise he had it. But he wasn't mentally tough enough for the physicalness of the NFL and of course that's more of the most important things.