Well at least some of them have backed up their arguments. So far basically all you've done is said "This is what I think happens therefore it's true"
Originally Posted by: steveishere
Let's take the emotion out of it, shall we? Let's examine these arguments without the usual homer obsessions and accusations and personal attacks.
lol, you are amazing. Not even worth a rebuttal, as it's basically like stealing candy from a baby. It's amazing how knowledgeable you are of the inner minds of Aaron Rodgers and Mike McCarthy, though. Typical troll talk.
Nerdmann cannot know what is in the minds of MM and AR. Therefore it is impossible for AR to pass up open receivers short and wait for something to open up deep.
Nerdmann is a troll, therefore it is impossible for Aaron Rodgers to be a stat whore.
Who are you Bus Cook? This is one of the most moronic statements I have ever read. I can not imagine the TWO of them are sitting down and agreeing to, not do what it takes to win the game, but break Favre records. Other than Favre and his momma who really gives a shit about the records?
Just to show you how ridiculous your comment is here are the run/pass totals for the month of December. (I just don't want to waste time looking further. And that is about the time the overall run game got healthy enough to be utilized more.)
Dec 2 vs MN 36 runs/35 pass. wait forgot two sacks so 37 passes.
Dec 9 vs Det 25/24 plus 3 sacks total 27 passes.
Dec 16 @ Chi 23/21 plus 4 sacks total 25 passes.
Dec 23 Vs TN 35/40 1 sack total 41 passes.
Dec 30 @ MN 16/40 plus 5 sacks 45 passes.
The first 4 games show nothing, NOTHING that would indicate some evil plot to get the sacred Favre records. The run vs pass break down is nearly 50-50. The main reason final game in MN was so lopsided in pass over runs was that they got down 13-0 and 20-7 and HAD to try and catch up. Keep in mind the MN secondary was weak and should have been exploited.
Only Favre and his momma care about Favre's records. Therefore Aaron Rodgers cannot possibly care about them.
In the month of Dec, 2012, the run pass ratio is 50/50, therefore it is impossible for Aaron Rodgers to pass up open receivers short to wait for something to open up long.
In this last game, the Packers had to come from behind, therefore it is impossible for Aaron Rodgers to pass up open receivers underneath and wait for someone to come open deep.
Then why does Mike McCarthy want to run the ball even when we weren't effective?
Aaron said countless times that the super bowl is better than the MVP. All he wants to do is win..
LOL and the funny thing is remember that Lions game at halftime Mike McCarthy said to his team? "throw the stats out the window" Pretty much proves that he doesn't give 2 shits about records and or stats.
MM wants to run the ball even when it's not effective. Therefore it is impossible for Rodgers to hold the ball even though there are guys open underneath.
Aaron says that the Superbowl is better than MVP. Therefore it is impossible for him to ignore guys who come open underneath.
MM told his team to "throw stats out the window" at halftime of the Lions game. Therefore he cannot possibly care about statistics.
noooo. You saying Mike's abandoning the run is his pursuit of Favre's records is wrong. AND this started with you complaining about Aaron Rodgers not Mike. You are waffling all over the place on this thread. It is like watching a dingy in the North Atlantic.
Pick one thing to bitch about and stay with it man.
AND one game in the last 5 where they pass a lot does not prove your hypothesis of them going for said records.
Although Nerd can't know what is in the minds of Mike or Aaron, this person knows for certain that Mike abandoning the run has nothing to do with Favre's records.
Nerd is complaining about Aaron, not Mike. Therefore he is waffling like a dingy. All dingies are wrong, therefore Nerd is wrong.
There was only one game in the last five in which the team passed alot, therefore it is neither possible that Mike has a tendency to abandon the run, not is it possible for Aaron to pass up guys who come open underneath.
oh. ok. go get the stats that prove Aaron Rodgers is going for Favre stats and not trying to win.
This just in- my wife announced the only record Aaron is trying to break is the most Super Bowl wins by a QB. Damn I knew there was a reason I married her besides her great body.
Nerd doesn't post statistics proving that Aaron is going for Favre's stats. Therefore it must not be true.
Is there any player in the league that doesn't want to win?
All NFL players value the team over their individual glorification or personal agendas. Aaron Rodgers is an NFL player. Therefore it is impossible for him to put himself before the team.
Don't argue with nerdman!!!!!
He WILL send the black helicopters to your house!!!!
Everything is a conspiracy in his world!!!
"stat-whore" a phrase that will now live forever on this forum.
Nerdman says it. it's the truth, and he will continue to say it until he thinks he has convinced everyone else it's the truth.
Nerdmann is a conspiracy theorist. Therefore if he says the sky is blue, it must be some other color.
Did I leave any out? I only went back to the previous page.
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time.”