15 years ago
The remainder of the PC..

* Tough to see Sanders and group struggle: No one happy with anything going on. Defense didn't perform, but had opportunities on offense and defense, too. "This is just not about one person."

* On moving Charles Woodson back to corner: At safety, had chance to be around ball more. Likes that. Doesn't mean can't bring down to cover on a receiver.

* On Walter beating Williams: Doesn't agree. Williams created two turnovers. "I'm not second-guessing the decision to play Tramon the way we did."

* Schematic changes to improve on third down defensively? "We didn't do a very good job of winning the one-on-ones. ... We made some fundamental mistakes."

* On throwing three straight times to open second half: Thought calls based on what defense were facing were fine. "The first-down call was actually a two-way call. ... The second play was just a base three-way drop. We were very confident in our perimeter vs. their perimeter." Left a bunch of yards on the field. Not as crisp as needed in route-running. Were very confident throwing ball.

* On time QB Matt Schaub had: Play-action is strength. "It's winning that second reaction in pass rush. They had a lot of time, and I'm not just talking about fake and action games."

* Why haven't things been fixed yet? "It's a pretty general statement. ... If it was just one thing that we're doing over and over again, then I would take responsibility ... and it starts with me. We're 5-8. ... It's really the little things." Watching film and talking about pad level, second reaction, leverage. Not doing at a high enough level to win games.

* Been around team where struggled with that all season? Hasn't been all negative. Have played some quality football, but not winning. "We haven't won in a month, and we're not improving." Have to get better in practice, which has been good. Not playing at level need to on Sundays.

* Youth a factor? "There's plenty to go around. You could probably point toward the youth." Lack of experience in situations is a factor. Some of older players trying to do too much. "The coaches and players, we're all pushing, fighting, scratching to get over the hump here."

* On missing Atari Bigby: Think Bigby declared self an impact player in defense at end of last year and playoffs. Been hurt since Week 2. "We miss him," Jenkins, Barnett, "but everyone goes through that." Others must take advantage of opportunities.

"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
15 years ago
Little deeper comments to the last set of answers.. the defense is the identity was attacked in this one.. 

Expanded McCarthy comments on execution, defense and Sanders
By Greg A. Bedard of the Journal Sentinel
Dec. 8, 2008 1:48 p.m.

Green Bay - Coach Mike McCarthy talked in depth on a few topics. A live blog couldn't properly convey his thoughts, so there they are:

(Where did the defensive gameplan go awry?)

Well, we had plenty of corrections to go around. You could start with the run game defense. There were times where we didn't get to the right gap, our tackling wasn't what it needed to be. The pass defense, the pass rush did not factor and our pass defense was put in tough situations and they (the Texans) won the one-on-one routes, particularly in third downs. If you just want to take the third-down statistics as a whole, it's really the case of one side getting it done and the other side not. We had the one-on-ones on our third downs on offense. We were 3rd and 1-5 seven times if I recall correctly and we were 1 out of 7. I mean, those are favorable down and distances that we expect to win week in and week out that we did not. They converted theirs. Their ability convert third downs and explosive games I thought were the two biggest factors in the game.

(Defensive coordinator Bob Sanders looked like he put some new blitzes in for this game and was aggressive with his playcalling. Considering LB Brandon Chillar -- your best blitzer was out -- was that wise to do? Would you have been more safe playing more Cover 2?)

Uh..I don't even know how to answer that question. I think it's convenient to say we could be in one coverage over the next. It's still about playing the game. When the defense is called, we need to play the defense. It's not difference than on offense. When the run is called or the pass is called, we need to convert that. As long as we're not putting our players in bad angles, overload situations or things they can't win in, that's really I think the key to evaluating your gameplan. I thought Bob tried to be aggressive because of the lack of pass rush. The pass rush coinciding with the pass defense, it all works together and we didn't do a very good job of it.

(You said in the preseason the defense would be the identity of your defense. Obviously that hasn't worked out. Is it a case of overestimating the scheme or overestimating players coming into the season?)

Well I don't think it's either one or the other. I mean the scheme and the players, it all has to fit together. I think we've had a number of obstacles on the defensive side of the ball that we've had to overcome. Injuries play into -- it's not an excuse, I'm not trying to make an excuse. The ability to a) stop the run and b) put pressure on the quarterback, those are the two things you look for from a consistent standpoint in your defense because that's what stops the offense. And when we gameplan, that's what we look at. And we haven't been able to do that consistently at all, frankly, the last three weeks. And that's why we've had large numbers from our opponents put up against us. Now, on the other side of it, our defenders are doing a much better job in our time here of taking the football away and we'll continue to emphasize that. We had a few opportunities in the game that got away from us. We could have been looking at a lot higher takeaway situation than what resulted. But that's why you play the game, we just have to keep working on those things. They're all fundamental, all the corrections are fundamental, they're all things we can fix and that will be our focus as we get ready for Jacksonville.

(Where is your faith in Bob?)

Well, I work with Bob everyday. From a personal side of it he's a tremendous human being, it's very important to him. And professionally, he has a system, a scheme and he's doing the best job he can to put players in a position to be successful. I hate to be redundant here. It all fits together. I have confidence in Bob and we'll continue as we move forward.

(This season you've talked about execution and "we'll get it fixed." I guess people want to know why it hasn't been fixed yet? Is it the players? Is there a disconnect between the coaches and players? Where is the problem?)

Well, that's a pretty general statement and I understand it. We haven't won a game in three weeks. If it was just one thing that we're doing over and over again then I would take full responsiblity for that and it really all starts with me. We're 5-8 and we're not getting it done at critical times and those specific plays are really highlighted. It's really the little things. Going through the film again today. We're talking about pad level, we're talking about beating second reaction, we're talking about leverage and things like that. That's the game of football. You're always coaching it and trying to clean it up week to week and we're not doing it at a high enough level to win games right now. And that's the facts.

(Have you ever been around a team -- you've been in his league a while -- where a team has struggled with those basic things for an entire season?)

Well we've had some really good play during the season so I don't think our whole season has been a bunch of negative plays. I wouldn't agree with that assessment. I would say we've played some really quality football but we're not winning games and I understand as well as anybody and that's what you're judged on. Our philosophy has always been winning and improving. We haven't won in a month and we're not improving so the only way I know to go back at it is working hard and getting it done in practice. They work very hard in practice. They have very quality practices. We're not playing at the level on Sundays that we need to play. So that's our challenge.

(You were able to overcome being the youngest team in the league last year. Is this a byproduct of youth or is this coming from veteran players as well?)

Well, there's plenty to go around. You could probably point more towards the youth. We've had some situations where guys don't have as much experience in certain situations where it's not clean for them. And frankly the number of conversations I've had with some of our younger players last week and the week before, in some of the one-on-ones that I've had, that was one of the topics that came up. That's part of the growth that you have with younger players. Everybody goes through it. Some of the older players, I think, maybe they're trying to do too much. We've talked about that. So there's not a real....The coaches and players, we're all pushing, fighting and scratching to get over the hump here and we'll continue to do so.

"The oranges are dry; the apples are mealy; and the papayas... I don't know what's going on with the papayas!"
15 years ago

I think people are underestimating Tauscher's play this year.. has he fallen off.. yes, but dependent on his contract demands.. he is worth resigning.. Cliffy on the other hand looks done.. he plays fairly well on grass where it slows the DE down a little. but on turf.. he simply can't keep up anymore.. that Sapp hit shortened a good deal off his career.

If Tauscher took better care of his body.. he might have a few more high years in him.. but he isn't terrible either like some make it out to be.

Instead of being in the upper half of the starting tackles.. he is now in the middle of that group.... Look to the west a little bit.. Cook is near the bottom.. and Tauscher is light years better at this point.

"pack93z" wrote:

I still haven't seen that cheap shot. I hear alot about it though, so what excactly happened?

Also, doesn't Tauscher look better than Clifton, because the RE is usually faster? I mean, I think they're both wearing down, but if they're going down on speed it shows quicker on the LT spot than on the RT. Also has something to do with upper- and lower-body strength, Cliffy might be declining faster on that part. (Might go down on speed aswell though, Idk, I'm not expert, just throwing it out there)

I do see Sanders gone this off-season aswell. As much as I hate him being gone as a person, his schemes seem to be outdated and inspirationless this last year.
15 years ago
Do you think there's a problem with us (fans) taking an analytical angle to something we're so passionate about (the Packers)? Because so many times we collectively encounter this, "Why don't they [coaches, GM] see it the way I do! Argh!" And the thing is, our ideas/thoughts/arguments could be completely valid. Alas -- if the coaches/GM DON'T see it the same way as we do ... do they know something we don't know? WHY don't they see it like us? I have to believe that there exists plenty of valid reasons McCarthy/Sanders/Thompson do business the way they ... do business.

Sorry if this seems to be rhetorical mumbo-jumbo. It just came to me. Right now, as disappointing as this season has been, I'm prepared to let things settle before I articulate my complaints. It's not that I don't have them -- and hell, if I did a place like this (a forum full of passionate fans) would be the place to voice them. But again -- right now -- I'm just not prepared to.
William Henderson didn't have to run people over. His preferred method was levitation.
"I'm a reasonable man, get off my case."
15 years ago

Do you think there's a problem with us (fans) taking an analytical angle to something we're so passionate about (the Packers)? Because so many times we collectively encounter this, "Why don't they [coaches, GM] see it the way I do! Argh!" And the thing is, our ideas/thoughts/arguments could be completely valid. Alas -- if the coaches/GM DON'T see it the same way as we do ... do they know something we don't know? WHY don't they see it like us? I have to believe that there exists plenty of valid reasons McCarthy/Sanders/Thompson do business the way they ... do business.

Sorry if this seems to be rhetorical mumbo-jumbo. It just came to me. Right now, as disappointing as this season has been, I'm prepared to let things settle before I articulate my complaints. It's not that I don't have them -- and hell, if I did a place like this (a forum full of passionate fans) would be the place to voice them. But again -- right now -- I'm just not prepared to.

"evad04" wrote:

It could be so Dave.
But i also feel that sometimes the fans are right, but the coaches don't want to make a move like Mike McCarthy letting Sanders go.
Why? I think ego has something to do with it. If they have to cut a coordinator, that means they have to accept the fact that THEY made the wrong move in putting the person in there in the first place.
15 years ago

lip service on Sanders. he's as good as gone.

"Packnic" wrote:

most def. anytime you hear the "hes a good person" line... its almost immediately followed with negatives.

like this girl i want you to meet is a really good person. She has no teeth, 8 kids, a bit of a weight problem and she is missing an eye. But this is important to her and shes a good person.

it sucks because by all accounts Sanders is a good person that everyone likes... but its football and we gotta get better. maybe he can just take a downgrade to his old position coach spot.

"bozz_2006" wrote:

I like your comparison with the girl!!! :thumbleft:

Now......I'd rather have a coach thats a real "A-hole" that gets the job done then a nice guy that doesn't.
By most accounts Vince Lombardi could be a real jerk.......but he commanded respect, and in the end the players loved him.
15 years ago

Do you think there's a problem with us (fans) taking an analytical angle to something we're so passionate about (the Packers)? Because so many times we collectively encounter this, "Why don't they [coaches, GM] see it the way I do! Argh!" And the thing is, our ideas/thoughts/arguments could be completely valid. Alas -- if the coaches/GM DON'T see it the same way as we do ... do they know something we don't know? WHY don't they see it like us? I have to believe that there exists plenty of valid reasons McCarthy/Sanders/Thompson do business the way they ... do business.

Sorry if this seems to be rhetorical mumbo-jumbo. It just came to me. Right now, as disappointing as this season has been, I'm prepared to let things settle before I articulate my complaints. It's not that I don't have them -- and hell, if I did a place like this (a forum full of passionate fans) would be the place to voice them. But again -- right now -- I'm just not prepared to.

"evad04" wrote:

We just want the problem to be solved as fast as possible, without looking at future problems.

I mean, firing Sanders and getting a new defensive scheme at this point in the season, would be suicidal.

Also, they know eachother, they know what they have to offer. What if Sanders comes up with brilliant plays, but McCarthy's overruling them. What if Sanders is just having tons of 'bad luck' with the play calling.

Maybe the players have a real liking towards Sanders. He's been around for a while, and you don't want a chaos at this point in the season. And ofcourse, one of the most important things to TT, the money. Maybe he jsut wants to have him play his contract out and look at how he'll perform, hoping it'll take a turn for the better.

Idk, I'm just throwing some random shit out there, some seem like solid reasons to keep him for at least this season though, which is what I think they will do, especially with the season drawing to an end and our chances at going to the play-offs being very slim.
15 years ago

lip service on Sanders. he's as good as gone.

"Cheesey" wrote:

most def. anytime you hear the "hes a good person" line... its almost immediately followed with negatives.

like this girl i want you to meet is a really good person. She has no teeth, 8 kids, a bit of a weight problem and she is missing an eye. But this is important to her and shes a good person.

it sucks because by all accounts Sanders is a good person that everyone likes... but its football and we gotta get better. maybe he can just take a downgrade to his old position coach spot.

"Packnic" wrote:

I like your comparison with the girl!!! :thumbleft:

Now......I'd rather have a coach thats a real "A-hole" that gets the job done then a nice guy that doesn't.
By most accounts Vince Lombardi could be a real jerk.......but he commanded respect, and in the end the players loved him.

"bozz_2006" wrote:

everybody loves winning.
15 years ago

lip service on Sanders. he's as good as gone.

"bozz_2006" wrote:

most def. anytime you hear the "hes a good person" line... its almost immediately followed with negatives.

like this girl i want you to meet is a really good person. She has no teeth, 8 kids, a bit of a weight problem and she is missing an eye. But this is important to her and shes a good person.

it sucks because by all accounts Sanders is a good person that everyone likes... but its football and we gotta get better. maybe he can just take a downgrade to his old position coach spot.

"Cheesey" wrote:

I like your comparison with the girl!!! :thumbleft:

Now......I'd rather have a coach thats a real "A-hole" that gets the job done then a nice guy that doesn't.
By most accounts Vince Lombardi could be a real jerk.......but he commanded respect, and in the end the players loved him.

"Packnic" wrote:

everybody loves winning.

"bozz_2006" wrote:

except Ted Thompson... he just loves Aaron Rodgers and Money.
15 years ago
because he pockets all that extra money.
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (17h) : Love questionable. Morgan is out. Valentine is doubtful
Martha Careful (20-Sep) : Rodgers and Lazard off to a very strong start
Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : Josh Jacobs. Limited.
Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : Can't find anything on Jacobs :(
wpr (19-Sep) : Do you know if they gave Jacobs an extra day off? I hope so.
Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : WR Jayden Reed (calf) and G Elgton Jenkins (illness/glute) returned after sitting out Wednesday.
Zero2Cool (19-Sep) : Packers are in pads and so is Jordan Love. Second straight day of practice for QB1.
bboystyle (18-Sep) : If Love comes back, we win in a blow out
Zero2Cool (18-Sep) : Jordan Love just spoke with reporters and said he’s giving himself the week but hopeful to play Sunday against the Titans.
Zero2Cool (18-Sep) : Practicing is Jordan Love!
Zero2Cool (18-Sep) : Packers are signing WR Cornelius Johnson to the Practice Squad per sources. Johnson was a 7th round pick this year.
Zero2Cool (17-Sep) : Packers placed RB MarShawn Lloyd on injured reserve.
Zero2Cool (16-Sep) : Rams won’t have Cooper Kupp or Puka Nacua when they host the Packers in Week 5.
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : Or is that the Rusty Red Rifle because of his age?
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : The Red Rifle Returns!
Zero2Cool (16-Sep) : Panthers are benching former No. 1 overall pick Bryce Young and starting veteran Andy Dalton beginning this week.
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : bears still have slim chance here
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : and there's another one!
Mucky Tundra (16-Sep) : oh crap macbob has the Texans K and he keeps hitting these long FGs
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Hope the Texans beat the brakes off the Bears
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : LaFleur: “I asked Malik why he didn’t throw it on that third down and he told me Josh threw up on the ball.”
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : i was wondering why it was just you, me, beast and macbob by the end
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Yeah it was weird today for some reason
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Oh my, marvin harrison jr might be as good as he was billed out to be
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : and none of the chats on my phone are showing up on the desktop chat
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : weird, i was on my phone for chat during the game but now on my desktop I look at chat and there's tons of chats i didn't see on my phone
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Oh yeah, for sure. That's just not fair thoguh.
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Zero, what I meant was that surely a tech and IT genius such as yourself would find a way to change the pick
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Well, I mean, I know I did, but might not have waited for it to register and went into Chat. Oh well
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Or so I thought I did. lol
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : I had Colts for few days to throw everyone off. At 11am or so, I changed it to Packers.
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : You know if you didn't say anything you probably could have changed it and no one would have noticed ;)
Mucky Tundra (15-Sep) : Vikings over the 49ers, Bucs over the Lions
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : lol awesome. my pick for Packers didn't go through. sweet
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Packers defense has 6 Takeaways in two games.
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : nah
Martha Careful (15-Sep) : I think I've been booted out of the chat room
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Jordan Love has his left leg wrapped in a sleeve as he stands on the sidelines during National Anthem.
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Jaire Alexander, Eric Wilson and Elgton Jenkins are the Packers’ team captains today against the Colts.
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Looks like Sean Rhyan will start at right guard, based on the early warm-ups.
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : No surprise, Love inactive
Zero2Cool (15-Sep) : Inactives: 10 QB Jordan Love 27 S Kitan Oladapo 57 DL Brenton Cox Jr. 73 T Andre Dillard 79 T Travis Glover 96 DL Colby Wooden
Martha Careful (14-Sep) : Wisconsin football stinks. OL good, Pauling good. all else MEH
Zero2Cool (14-Sep) : Jordan Love downgraded to doubtful for tomorrow's game
Zero2Cool (14-Sep) : Sean Clifford just got called up. No Love tomorrow. No shock either.
Mucky Tundra (13-Sep) : I know it's probably to mess with the Colts but I'm just huffing copium honestly
Mucky Tundra (13-Sep) : So you're saying there's *a chance*?
Zero2Cool (13-Sep) : Packers officially listed QB Jordan Love (knee) as questionable for Sunday's game vs. the \Colts.
Mucky Tundra (13-Sep) : Confirmed concussion for Tua
Mucky Tundra (13-Sep) : Yikes, possibly another concussion for Tua
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Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
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Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 12:00 PM
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