I think it is a travesty that Jerry Kramer is not in the Football HOF. His daughter started a web site to try to
http://www.jerrykramer4hof.com/ get that corrected. Take a look and see if you don't agree he should be in. There are some additional things not in there, which I'm surprised at. Such as, he also did well kicking field goals and extra points. In the Championship game at New York he kicked 3 field goals in very adverse conditions. Also, he played at this level with a splinter several inches long, it was quite serious when they removed it, and he came back to continue playing at a high level.
Anyway, this may be Jerry's last chance to get in. So as Packer fans lets support this cause as much as we can. Below is a link to the above mentioned site. Could this be "sticky'd"?
Why is Jerry Kramer not in the Hall of Fame?